Lt. JG Killion Bishop

Killion serves as a helm/navigation officer on the USS Orpheus. (Gamma Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Bishop is such a stereotypical "hotshot pilot" they might as well put his picture in the dictionary. During his time at the Academy he was reckless to the point of endagering himself and his peers and seemed to believe that he was invincible. The stunt he pulled to set the Academy flight record should have been inconceivable. The thought processes behind deliberately crashing a shuttlecraft into an asteroid to eject oneself as a living projectile to make it to the finish line should not cross the minds of any sane pilot. However time has seemed to help temper that spirit and he seems to understand that his actions don't just endanger himself but also those around him. He is shaping up to be a great pilot but if a captain ever needs someone to really really push the limits of what is possible, Bishop is the guy.   NOTE: It appears that Bishop is in a romantic relationship with his superior officer, Cmdr. McCord. Cpt. Eradas has been notified and disciplinary measures will be enacted.
ADDENDUM: Due to the tragic demise of Cmdr. McCord, Starfleet has agreed not to raise disciplinary actions over this breach of protocol.  

Biographical Overview

Bishop's family farmed a region close to a local spaceport and Bishop grew up watching ships from all over the quardant landing to take on the supplies his commune grew and then take off again. This seem to have ignited a spark as he became obsessed with flying for Starfleet. He struggled academically but was able to barely qualify into Starfleet Academy. He excelled in shuttlecraft and helm operations but instructors noted he had a recklesness during his flying and a casual disregard for the rest of his studies. In 2371 during his sophmore year he shattered the Academy's asteroid navigation time by nearly three full seconds. This came at the expense of destroying his shuttle in the process and having to eject himself in order to cross the finish line. While the rules did not stipulate that the shuttle had to cross the finish line, such a flagrant disregard for protocol and safety unfortunately marked him and upon graduation he was passed down for starship duty.   On the verge of washing out of Starfleet Adm. Shepherd offered Bishop a chance to redeem himself by piloting for the Academy during mock combat situations. His recklessness provided extraordinarily good training for cadets and watching others who followed the rules get promoted and get to fly the ships he always dreamed about succeeded in tempering Bishop's instincts. Over the years his reckless edge wore down and in 2378 he was deemed fit for starship duty. Adm. Shepherd placed Bishop on the Orpheus in anticipation of needed a skilled and daring pilot when forced to explore the area surrounding the Hellsmouth Nebula.
Starfleet Academy
2373, 64th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
Starfleet Academy - Helm Instructor (2373-2378)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
November 28th, 2351
Year of Birth
2351 30 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations