Lt. JG Logan Shirley

Logan Shirley serves as a security team lead on the USS Orpheus. (Zeta Team).  

Psychological Profile

Sometimes sheer ambition can replace natural talent and skill. That isn't to say Shirley isn't a good security officer but his ambitions seem to greatly exceed his abilities. He wants to become a captain of his own ship more than anything else but struggles to excel in an enivornment where he is surrounded by the best and the brightest from across the Federation. While this drive has led to focus and dedication to his work, his growing frustrations with his lack of promotion on the timeframe he thinks is fair is causing him to explore other avenues of advancement. He has started to engage in the politics and is spending an increasing amount of time socializing with Lt. Cmdr. Duhl and it seems like these social engagements have ulterior motives behind them.   NOTE: Shirley has developed a close friendship with Lt. OJ and it seems that the two are working together to help each other advance.  

Biographical Overview

Shirley was born on Earth to a family of civilian administrators. Although he did not excel academically his parents were able to get him into Starfleet Acadmey through a lesser known administrative exchange program where he would be allowed entry into Starfleet in exchange for ten years of service stationed on remote starbases that often struggle to attract graduates. Upon graduation he was stationed on Starbase 146 for a full five year rotation. In 2369 he transferred to Starbase 62 down by the Klingon border and then in 2373 he was transferred to Starbase 517, a major logistics hub for the Dominion War. Although he never saw direct combat, he had many encoutners with a variety of allied species passing through to resupply on their way to the Cardassian border. Having to keep the peace between Romulans, Klingons, and even some Orion mercenaries gave him considerable practice in handling security matters in a diplomatic way as frontline combat ships took a dim view on anyone trying to throw their crew into the brig. Upon the conclusion of the war, Shirley had demonstrated enough ability to warrant a ship-based post and he had concluded his obligation of serving 10 years on Starfleet starbases. in 2375 his transfer request to join the USS Orpheus on its exploration of the Hellsmouth Nebula was accepted.
Starfleet Academy Class
2365, 50th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2375-2379) Previous Assignments
Starbase 517 (2373-2375)
Starbase 62 (2369-2373)
Starbase 146 (2365-2369)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
September 26th, 2343
Year of Birth
2343 38 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations