Lt. Ojhiva "OJ" Zh'kiakrerh

Ojhiva "OJ" Zh'kiakrerh serves as a bridge tactical officer on the USS Orpheus. (Beta Shift)  

Psychological Profile

At her core, OJ is a soldier. She acepts her missions without question or complaint and if the order to fire is given she takes the shot. She is gruff and can seem cold during peace time however during the war she had a grim sense of resolve that others found to be inspirational. Instead of worrying about the specifics, she recognizes that she serves a much larger organization and it isn't up to her to understand why any specific decision is made, she just needs to act. Despite this tough exterior there is a lot of grief that she is still processing, similar to many Dominion War survivors. She lost hundreds of friends and colleagues around Tyra and that kind of pain doesn't leave easily. In no way will this grief hold her back from accomplishing her next mission but the greater question is what will be left of OJ when she doesn't have another mission to focus on. Recently the answer seems to bea push to rise through the ranks and she seems to be looking for a Chief Tactical position or even a transfer into Command to head towards a captaincy of her own.   NOTE: OJ has developed a close friendship with Lt. JG Shirley and it seems that the two are working together to help each other advance.  

Biographical Overview

OJ comes from a long line of warriors able to trace her lineage back to some of the greatest Andorian generals from the 20th and 21st centuries. She grew up on Weytahn which itself had a history of being at the center of conflicts as a contested planet in the 22nd century between Vulcan and Andorian space. Given this history it is unsurprising that she focused heavily on martial education and enrolled in Starfleet Academy through the Security program. Upon graduation in 2366 she was stationed on Starbase 136 which was an important strategic position near the Cardassian border. When the Dominion began its incursions into the Alpha Quadrant she was stationed as a junior tactical officer on the newly built Defiant-Class ship USS Adamant. When the Dominion War officially erupted in 2373 the Adamant fought in over a dozen early engagements before being destroyed along with most of the Seventh Fleet around Tyra. OJ was re-stationed to Starbase 177 as part of a force rotation to allow her to rest and recover from her near-death experience in the war. In 2378 she was cleared for exploration duty and she was stationed as a tactical officer on the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy Class
2366, 57th percentile
Martial Status
Married, 2 children
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
Starbase 177 (2373-2378)
[USS Adamant [NCC-80154] (2371-2373)
Starbase 136 (2366-2371)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
May 25th, 2344
Year of Birth
2344 37 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations