Lt. JG Muneera Kulla (Moo-near-ah Cool-ah)

Muneera Kulla serves as a shuttle pilot on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Kulla is intelligent, driven, and highly industrious. Unfortunately she has not developed any brakes and throughout her time in academics and in Starfleet she has a tendency to work too hard too fast and then burn herself out, often in a dramatic way. She has been informed that she needs to be able to manage her stress levels and if she has another breakdown she will be pulled from active duty.   If that wasn't enough stress, it seems that her impromptu marriage is now coming with some difficulties. She suspects her husband of lying to her and being unfaithful as they are deployed on opposite sides of the quadrant and are attempting to make a long distance relationship work.   Kulla never intended to become a pilot, that much is obvious. It seems clear her true calling was in sciences or engineering given her passion for research and study however she is also quite stubborn and now that she has committed to it she is determined to become the best pilot in Starfleet. She is highly talented and has put in more simulator hours than anyone else on the ship but this kind of drive comes at a cost and if she cannot maintain her stress and be a reliable member of the cew then no amount of talent will save her from being recalled.  

Biographical Overview

Kulla was born on Denebia in 2342 as an only child to a pair of planetary administrators. She was showered with love and affection but her parents instilled in her the importance of doing high quality work. Kulla internalized this and became incredibly industrious excelling in her studies and becoming top of her class for ten years straight. In 2369 during her senior year in primary school she had a nervous breakdown that caused her to miss half the year. She still applied for Starfleet Academy in 2370 and in light of her long history of top performance she was accepted. Her first year had her switch study tracks multiple times and in 2371 she ended up in helm/navigation studies as it was the last track avilable to her. She came into personal conflict with several of the others students and overall seemed to struggle to find her place within Starfleet. She excelled academically but her scores showed struggle when working as part of a larger team.   In 2373 she met Zahriel, another Denebian, at the Academy and during a weekend retreat shortly before graduation the two were married. In 2374 she was assigned to the USS Orpheus as part of its deep space exploration.
Starfleet Academy
2374, 55th percentile Martial Status
Married (Zaheil Kulla)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2374-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
December 24th, 2352
Year of Birth
2349 32 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations