Lt. JG Xiskar

Xiskar serves as a duty nurse on the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

The historical perception of the Xindi-Insectoids has been one of hostility and aggression however Xiskar has fully committed to the Hippocratic Oath and is a fully committed pacifist. He has been given special consideration (per Starfleet Regulation 44-A6) to never be required to arm himself or fight against anyone. Xiskar is highly skilled however as an insect is struggling to learn "bedside manner." Instead he is described as being very skilled and very cold and calculating when approaching patients. Although this is resulting in some difficulties in Sickbay, it is the goal of Xiskar to develop these traits and bring them back to the Xindus so his species can better understand their allies.  

Biographical Overview

It is uncommon for Xindi-Insectoids to serve in Starfleet due to their short lifespan however a few each year are selected to integrate within Starfleet to help maintain diplomatic relations. Xiskar was selected to be one such plant and in 2374 entered Starfleet Academy on an accelerated training course. From a lineage of healers within the Xindi, Xiskar completed the training to qualify as a Nurse in 2376 and was assigned to serve on the USS Orphues, its five year mission representing a lifetime of work for Xiskar.
Cort Institute of Medicine
2376, 92nd percentile Martial Status
Single* (~50 offspring)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2376-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
November 14th, 2372
Year of Birth
2372 9 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations