Lt. Shrab 'Thrash' Th'ashryneth

Lt. Shrab 'Thrash' Th'ashryneth serves as an engineering officer on the USS Orpheus. (Beta Shift).  

Psychological Profile

Thrash is a solid worker and dedicated towards Starfleet. He has some issues with trusting the work of others and personal logs indicate minor annoyances from some colleagues for him insisting to look over their work however given the low rate of failure on his shift it seems this review is warranted at times. Like many Andorians he can be blunt and confrontational however at the end of the day he is able to put his work and troubles aside and has developed several friends among the crew. There are some signs that he might be highly ambitious and climbing towards a command role as he seems to prioritize socializing with superiors instead of peers or subordinates.   NOTE: Thrash has become very good friends with Lt. Cmdr. Taabaan and has been designated her "shakini t'wannun" which translates to ceremonial guardian.  

Biographical Overview

Like many Andorians, Thrash was born into a large family and had issues being lost in the shuffle. The majority of his family unit were agirculture administrators creating organic material for populating replicators and his family took a lot of pride in feeding the Federation. When Thrash indicated he wanted to go into Starfleet as an engineer his family opposed it. While they did nothing to stop it, Thrash was not given any support either and had to achieve his academic excellence on his own. In 2364 he was accepted into Starfleet Academy and graduated as an engineering officer. In 2368 upon graduation he was assigned to the USS LIbra conducting planteary surveys. The Libra was due for maintenace overhaul and many of its systems were near end-of-life allowing Thrash to demonstrate his capabilities and earning him a promotion. in 2369 the Libra was re-assigned to surveying the Gamma Quadrant as part of iniital explorations but was quickly recalled as hostilities with The Dominion flared. In 2372 the Libra was finally recalled for a complete overhaul and Thrash accepted a promotion to Lieutenant JG onboard the USS Respite, an Olympic-Class hospital ship. In 2373 the Dominion War erupted and the Respite was stationed along the Cardassian border providing daring aid and rescue missions towards colonies being attacked by the Dominion forces. Despite being a hospital ship the Respite saw engagement in five battles during this time period. After the Dominion War ended, Thrash continued serving on the Respite as it dealt with the aftermath of war. In 2376 he accepted a promotion and position on the USS Orpheus to join it as part of its exploration of the Hellsmouth Nebula.
Starfleet Academy Class
2368, 54th percentile
Martial Status Married (Multiple)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2376-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Respite [NCC-81966] (2372-2376)
USS Libra [NCC-72351] (2368-2372)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
March 21st, 2346
Year of Birth
2346 35 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations