Lt. Cmdr. Miza Taabaan (My-zah Tay-bane)

Miza Taabaan served as the Chief Engineer on the USS Orpheus. In 2379 she was temporarily re-assigned to being the Chief Engineer on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

While there are probably more critical things to note when it comes to Taabaan's personality, the thing that most people notice right off the bat is she is very adept with humor. Within Starfleet what had started as an informal humorous blog with her friends has ballooned out into an entire underground community that follows her humorous observations about life in Starfleet and her views on Trill symbiosis. She is professional enough to reserve her comedic routines to her personal time but her presence on a ship can be a dramatic improvement to morale especially during hard situations. In terms of engineering she is highly skilled and competent although now that she is working with smaller systems there is a bit of complaining about the tiny scale compared to what she prefers to work on. Given her social skills she was offered a spot in the command track after her daring win over Klingon raiders however she has marked that she would prefer to stay in engineering and has no interest in command.   NOTE: Starfleet is an inclusive organization and except for extreme edge cases is supportive of all cultures and religions. Bajorans can wear their earrings as a symbol of their faith even though it is against protocol. Lt. Cmdr. Worf has been given special allowances to wear his family warrior's sash and a few other Starfleet personnel with ties to Klingon honor have been able to continue that trend. Taabaan is part of a very niche Trill religion that believes in a sort of blood sorcery. Taabaan is perfectly rational and does not believe in magic, she does practice a religion that requires bloodletting and live sacrifices as part of the ceremonies. It is not very well documented as it is a rather insular religion. Starfleet Command has cleared Taabaan to be able to bring along a small collection of animals and her medical files are annotated to note the presence of scars and reduced blood levels that might accompany a religious holiday.    

Biographical Overview

Taabaan was born on Trill in 2337 but unlike many other Trill she had an extreme aversion towards moving towards being joined to a symbiont. Instead she focused on her academics to pursue a career in Starfleet. She enrolled in Starfleet Academy in 2354 and graduated as an engineering officer in 2359. Her specialization was in large engineering systems and for the next ten years she served on Starbases maining large power and life support systems. In 2368 she was rotated back to Starfleet Operations to be a subject matter expert in the plans to create the next generation of Starfleet outposts. She worked on outpost upgrades until 2372 and was briefly assigned to Starbase 604 to prototype her new life support diagnostic suite, This upgrade was cut short in 2373 when the Dominion War broke out. She was re-assigned to the USS Nautilus, a Galaxy-class cruiser as the systems were similar enough to small outpost systems. The Nautilus served as the backbone of the 7th fleet stationed on the souther edge of the Cardassian Union border and was instrumental in keeping the Cardassian/Dominon forces from flanking around the front lines along Bajor. When the war concluded she stayed onboard the Nautilus working her way up to becoming the second most senior engineering officer on board. In 2378 she accepted a promotion to Lt. Commander and became the Chief Engineer for the USS Blanc however within weeks of the Blanc's launch to protect shipping lanes near Klingon territory it was ambushed by three Klingon birds-of-prey and crippled. As the Klingons came in to board the ship and capture the crew, she devised a bold strategy of detonating the warp core, destroying the secondary hull and crippling or destroying the Klingon raiders. The crew survived by modulating the shields in the primary hull to ride the explosive wave to relative safety.   With the destruction of the Blanc, Taabaan was re-assigned to being the Chief Engineer on the USS Orpheus.

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

Taabaan is a fantastic engineer and I have full confidence in her ability to be the chief engineer aboard any veseel but due to the unique nature of exploratrion within the Typhon Expanse it has been determined to use her abilities in overseeing the retrofit of the USS Nightingale while another engineering team continues the mission of the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy
2359, 65th percentile Martial Status
Married (Roric Taabaan)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Blanc [NCC-81008] (2378-2378)
USS Nautilus [NCC-78868] (2373-2378)
Starbase 604 (2372-2373)
Starfleet Operations (2368-2372)
Starbase 111 (2365-2368)
Starbase 370 (2359-2365)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
November 15th, 2337
Year of Birth
2337 44 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations