Lt. Vriziath "Riz" Sh'chiallahr

Vriziath "Riz" Sh'chiallahr serves as a warp core specialist on the USS Orpheus. (Gamma Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Riz has a very outgoing personality and can be considered very cosmopolitan attitude given her exposure to hundreds of different species growing up on a starbase. She can be outright brazen in her attempts to befriend colleagues and treats people with a degree of familiarity that can be unsettling for more reserved individuals. While she is a skilled engineer, much of her success has been in very controlled settings. During some initial red alerts on the Orpheus she had a tendency to freeze and allow fear to paralyze her agency. To combat this it is recommended that she pursue high-adrenaline holodeck simulations to develop the muscle memory to perform her duties during a crisis.   NOTE: Riz has recently informed her superiors that she is in a serious romantic relationship with Po. Iltrac.  

Biographical Overview

Riz was born on Douglas Station in 2348. Her parents were Starfleet operations officers and often brought her along during maintenance and routine operations. She grew up surrounded by different species and cultures and by the time she finished her primary education in 2366 she could speak twelve different languages fluently. She applied to Starfleet Academy and strugged for her first couple of years figuring out which path she wanted to pursue. She started in Medicine but then transferred to Science and then Engineering, staying there and graduating in 2371 with a focus on warp cores.   Due to her unique background she was selected for a unique opportunity upon graduating, joining a team of Starfleet Archeologists as they explored an ancient warp-capable civilization. The expedition was based out of Starbase 351 where she served as both an engineer as well as a translator due to her experience in linguistics. In 2378 she uncovered a critical artifact that proved capable of translating the rest of the ancient language. Riz requested a transfer in order to do space exploration instead of pursuing further excavations of the ancient technology. She was re-assigned to the USS Orpheus to serve while it explored the Hellsmouth Nebula.
Starfleet Academy Class
2371, 54th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
Starbase 351 (2371-2378)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
May 31st, 2348
Year of Birth
2348 33 Years old
Douglas Station
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations