Nurse Victor Keel

Victor Keel is a nurse serving on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Keel is a very likeable person which has complicated his life considerably given certain unusual traits of his. He is laid back, easy going, and generally very agreeable and has a natural ability to become friendly with those around him. This combines with genuine care and concern for the people in his vicinity and at first impression he quickly becomes someone who is very easy to develop a relationship with, be it just friendship or developing into romance. The unusual quirk about Keel is that he hold those in immediate proximity to much higher regard than other people. This causes him to cancel plans on old friends in order to spend time with new acquaintances and it also makes monogamy very difficult for him. During his 8 years on Bajor he has been confirmed to have fathered 4 children to four different women in four different villages. A cursory investigation reveals that every time he has promised himself to the woman and agreed to come back for them and then never does. In evaluation sessions he doesn't seem opposed to commitment or raising a family, just that as soon as he leaves their proximity their importance fades with distance. He has recently married a Bajoran woman, although they have yet to have a child together, and based on his mental state and record of behavior he is likely to to not stay committed to this relationship. Ordinarily this would be a cause for concern however due to his focus on the present and the immediate proximity this is unlikely to negatively effect his mental state or work.   NOTE: Due to their shared passion for Velocity, Keel and Po. McKay seem to have struck up a strong friendship and spend most of their rec hours together.   

Biographical Overview

Keel was born on New France on the former border between Bajor and the Federation. His parents were local politicians and he grew up in a relatively wealthy and influential environment. It was expected that he would either enter Starfleet or local politics like his parents however overall his grades put him as an average student and he showed little interest in exploiting the connections that his parents made for him. In 2367 when he turned 18 he joined a local volunteer group that would travel to Bajor to provide aid for the recently freed Bajorans. He volunteered for tour after tour and ended up becoming trained as a medic in the process. In 2369 he formally applied to Starfleet as a nurse and medic after the volunteer program disbanded and requested service in the Bajor sector to continue his aid work. He was stationed on the medical ship USS Gazala where he continued to provide medical assistance to Bajorans and later on Federation and Klingon soldiers during the Dominion War.  
In 2376 he married a local Bajoran he met during his aid work, Hirca Oami, but the Gazala was decomissioned for repairs and he was reassigned to the USS Nightingale currently operating on the opposite side of Federation space.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Married (Gaza Oami), 4 children
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2376-present)
Previous Assignments
USS Gazala (2370-2376)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
May 2nd, 2349
Year of Birth
2349 32 Years old
New France
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations