Po. Layton McKay

Layton McKay serves as a transporter operator on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

McKay has had a life full of ups and downs but he is starfleet through and through. He is a good team player,  very social, and has demonstrated both intelligence and skill throughout his career. He has the particular advantage of having served in various Starfleet  roles across 20 years of service making him invaluable for passing along ethic and experience to newer officers and enlisted crew. The death of his son had a tragic impact on his psyche that he still hasn't fully recovered from. While he presents as charming and happy-go-lucky as he always was, his work has become uncharacteristically inconsistent. It is the hope of the Evaluation Department that by lightening his duty load to just shift transport operations he will be able to recover and return to his previously high standards of operations.    NOTE: Due to a similar passion for Velocity, McKay and Nurse Keel have developed a friendship over the past few years and frequently spend their rec time together.  

Biographical Overview

McKay was born on Earth in 2330 into a long line of scientists and researchers specializing in applied physics. His education scores at a young age were exceptional and on graduating in 2348 he was fast tracked into attending Starfleet Academy.  Going into his senior year at the Academy in 2352 had McKay in the top 80th percentile and able to graduate with honors however he ended up in a personal conflict with one of his instructors.  McKay was reprimanded repeatedly and conflicts between him and his instructor required intervention and mediation by Starfleet counselors. When his  senior project failed to perform, McKay accused the instructor of sabotage however an investigation revealed no decisive evidence. McKay ended up dropping out of the Academy entirely rather than repeat the course.   Through a family friend McKay ended up enlisting in starship design through a partnership with private sector enterprises. He was initially assigned to the Utopian Shipyards and in 2355 he was re-assigned to lead a project at the Proxima Maintenance Yards. In 2357 he was assigned to the USS Khe Sanh to supervisor new upgrades he had helped develop and for similar reasons was re-assigned to the USS Mewar in 2361. After several years on the starship he decided to settle down and request a Starbase posting and he served as a Petty Officer on Starbase 401 from 2364 to 2371. During this time he was married and had a son although an accident in 2370 fatally injured his child. In 2371 he requested re-assignment for starship service again and was assigned on the USS Machu Pichu as a Chief Petty Officer for Operations. During this time his performance was subpar and he voluntarily took a soft demotion and transferred to just being a transport operator on the USS Nightingale  in 2374.   ADDENDUM: In 2377 while exploring the Typhon Expanse the McKay discovered a message that led the crew to discovering that the consciousness of his son, Jules, had somehow crossed the galaxy and become entangled within an ancient artificial intelligence that supervised a long abandoned mining operation. While the signal was too degraded to be able to reverse transportation and create a new body for his son, the imprint of his mind was preserved and McKay's son now lives on the ship as a purely holographic intelligence at the moment.  

2377 Update - Captain Lewis

The Operations department has been able to handle the strain of using the holodeck to preserve Jules and it is a testament to the crew that so many are willing to give away part of their holodeck time so that McKay can spend more time with his son. A long term solution has yet to be determined but we remain optimistic that a solution will be found to bring Jules back into the physical world.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Married (Sonja McKay)
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2374-present)
Previous Assignments
USS Machu Picchu (2371-2374)
Starbase 401 (2364-2371)
USS Mewar (2361-2364)
USS Khe Sanh (2357-2361)
Proxima Maintenance Yards (2355-2357)
Utopian Shipyards (2352-2355)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
November 11th, 2330
Year of Birth
2330 51 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations