Pierce Kixley

Pierce Kixley served as both the Chief Engineer and Chief Scientist on the ISS Warhawk.   In 2377 in service to the Terran Empire, Kixley and others from the crew of the Warhawk discovered alien ruins where they were able to unleash its power and destroy Q'onoS. With such a tremendous victory, the Warhawk was given the position of the flagship of the invasion fleet into the Typhon Expanse.
During this time Kixley served as the Chief Scientist but midway through the invasion his peer, Marrow, suffered a catastrophic accident while servicing the warp coils and Kixley stepped in as a leader for both departments. During this time he conspired with Markus Sel to ensure War Commander Lewis suffered a tragic accident during an attack on an Orbis space station.   In 2378, Kixley attempted to yet again climb up in the ranks by attempting to arrange an "accident" for War Commander Sel however this ended up going against him as Skye Ridley secured the position instead. It is believed that Kixley died during the coup.   For his service on the Warhawk a horrific accident seemed to have caused a severe limp and disfigurement for Kixley however during the coup this turned out to all be an act in order to make War Commander Sel underestimate him.
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
January 1st, 2352
Year of Birth
2352 29 Years old
Terra Prime
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations