Terran Empire

The Terran Empire is a repressive interstellar government that dominates the mirror universe, known locally as Terra. Ruled by fear and oppression, the Empire's iron fist is embodied by its Imperial Starfleet, where officers often advance through treacherous means, such as killing superiors who do not follow the Empire's rules. Torture is commonly used for interrogation and discipline.   The Empire's culture is described as fascistic, oppressive, racist, and xenophobic, driven by an unconditional hatred and rejection of anything "other." It stands as the antithesis of the United Federation of Planets in every way, with violence deeply ingrained in Terran culture, serving as an evolutionary survival mechanism. Despite its strength being born out of necessity, it is seen as a facade, hiding the mutual fear between aggressor and potential victim.   Religiously, the Terran Empire celebrates a Holy Day commemorating Zefram Cochrane's successful repulse of the Vulcan invasion and the acquisition of Vulcan technology that propelled them into becoming a space-faring power. It is believed that an emperor's victims become their servants in the afterlife.   The Empire's history is shrouded in a mix of ancient origins, with evidence pointing to a continuation or successor of the Roman Empire. Millennia ago, Terrans abandoned ideals such as freedom, equality, and cooperation, deeming them "destructive ideals" that fueled rebellions.   Throughout its history, the Terran Empire has faced rebellions and resistance from various species, leading to long-running conflicts. Notable figures like Gabriel Lorca attempted to overthrow Emperor Philippa Georgiou, and the Empire encountered a Gorlan uprising that culminated in the destruction of the rebels' home planet.   Spock later rose to become Commander-in-Chief of the Empire, instituting major reforms that made it more peaceful but left it unprepared for the emerging threat of a united Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, leading to the Empire's fall and the Terrans becoming a slave race.   By 2378 however the Empire had restablished itself after discovering advaned alien technology that allowd it to destroy the Klingon capital Q'onoS, shattering the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance and allowing the Terran Empire to once again wage a war of conquest against the galaxy.