Po. Brom Nassant

Brom Nassant is a warp core technical lead for the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Nassant has a strong sense of justice and fair play. Growing up he was convinced that his father, a local colonial governor, achieved his position through extensive corruption and bribery and he made it his mission as a teenager to expose his father and break his hold on the colony. This never ended up happening, instead after becoming disillusioned with politics completely he joined Starfleet instead where he has grown to appreciate the transparency and push for excellence and equality. Mentally he has great fortitude and learned a lot of coping mechanisms for dealing with stressful situations that he learned during his feud with his own family. He has a clear vision and strong leadership potential however he can become sidetracked if he thinks an injustice is being performed and has a hard time letting go of such matters.    ADDENDUM: Nassant seems to have developed a friendly rivalry with Cmn. Thomassen and the two have been participating in an escalating series of athletic challenges against one another.

Biographical Overview

Nassant was born on a busy colony world, Kessik IV, where his father was a prominent local governor. Growing up he was groomed for a life in politics however Nassant ended up becoming a provocateur and activist for his father's political opponents. Several times in his childhood he attempted to report on his father's alleged corruption but no charges were ever filed and no formal Federation investigations were ever taken.    Nassant ended up leaving his home in 2367 and staying with friends until his graduation. Despite a strong academic career and apparent interest in Starfleet he never applied to the academy. In 2369 he enlisted as a technician and quickly requested transfer off planet. He was assigned to the USS Lexington where he served under two different captains. He was promoted to technical lead in 2373 and continued to serve on the Lexington until it needed to be brought in for extensive retrofits and repairs. He was assigned to the USS Lincoln in 2375 as a shift lead and in 2377 he was re-assigned as a warp core lead on the USS Nightingale.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2377-present)
Previous Assignments
USS Lincoln (2375-2376)
USS Lexington (2369-2375)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
January 9th, 2351
Year of Birth
2352 29 Years old
Kessik IV
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations