Cmn. Saul Thomassen

Saul Thomassen is a crewmen on the Dogs of War security team on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Thomassen is a very likeable and popular person. He is open, sincere, and goes out of his way to ensure that everyone around him is having a good time. He was popular in school and in any situation would quickly develop a large social network. When he is sober, that is. Thomassen has a tendency to binge drink in social settings and while under the influence of drugs or narcotics he develops a brutal and antagonistic side to his personality. His personnel file is noted with almost a dozen demerits for getting into fights at bars during shore leave. His last Captain even went as far assigning other security personnel to prevent him from drinking. Thomassen doesn't seem to understand his behavior while intoxicated and has protested his shore leave treatment as being unfair.   ADDENDUM: Although he has only been onboard the ship a short while he has bonded almost instantly with his team members and along with Po. Keenzaar and Cmn. McBride they are frequently taking recreation holodeck time together and are attempting to organize physical competitions to compete against teams from across the ship.   ADDENDUM: Thomassen seems to have developed a friendly rivalry with  Po. Nassant   and the two have been participating in an escalating series of athletic challenges against one another.

Biographical Overview

Thomassen was born as the third child of six to a family on Earth. While his brothers and sisters showed technical aptitude that was encouraged by his engineering parents, Thomassen seemed drawn to more physical pursuits. While he struggled throughout his academic career he excelled and sports, even becoming the local distract all-star in hoverball. When he graduated from primary education he had neither the grades nor inclination to continue on academically and instead worked a few odd jobs. A random encounter with an old friend who had gone onto Starfleet convinced Thomassen to enlist and he joined the security team right before the Dominion War fully broke out.   His abilities got him a posting on the USS Bataan where he served adequately. He was part of several ground missions that successfully captured outposts and relays from Jem'Hadar troops. He was never part of any horrible catastrophes or sweeping victories, instead his ship was part of an effort to slowly reclaim territory lost to the Dominion. In 2375 he married Lt. Odom. In 2377 his request for a transfer was approved to serve on the USS Nightingale.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Married (Chana Thomassen)
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2377-present)
Previous Assignments
USS Bataan (2373-2376)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
September 11th, 2355
Year of Birth
2355 26 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations