Po. Cedric Barr

Cedric Barr is the Hull/EVA team lead on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Barr is a solid team lead and has demonstrated his resolve through numerous encounters both before and during the Dominion War. He is especially proficient at reasoning from first principals and approaching challenges without preconceived biases or premature conclusions. This allows him to properly assess the situation as it is, not as his mind thinks it should be. Given the tragedies in his past he can be very demanding of his subordinates, especially where safety is a concern and he does not tolerate bypassing safety protocols for mission expediency. Although records show that his presence on the Valiant would not have changed its outcome he is harboring severe survivors guilt for not being there when the ship was destroyed and this has caused him minor bouts of depression in the years since.   NOTE: Records show that he had many encounters with Cmn. Maiteay while serving on DS9 and seems to operate as both a mentor and good friend to the junior crewman. 

Biographical Overview

Barr was born on the frontier colony of Barisa Prime. While the colony gained self-sufficiency due to its abundant natural resources it suffered a severe setback in 2356 when a Telurian plague ripped through the region, decimating the population. Barr caught the plague but was lucky enough to survive although his mother and sister perished in 2357. The process of rebuilding the colony was a long and arduous one and even though he was barely ten at the time, Barr put his education on hold to help move the colony towards self-sufficiency again. He attended school when he could but entering the last few years of his primary education there were significant gaps in his education.    In 2367 he enlisted into Starfleet using the technical skills he gained rebuilding his home to pursue his goal of exploring outer space. He was assigned to the USS Cape Matapan where his service earned him re-assignment to the frontline ship USS Valiant in 2372 for the ship's debut launch. Barr's service on the Valiant earned him a promotion and several commendations. He survived the destruction of the Valiant in 2374 by having been moved to Deep Space 9 for long term recovery after suffering a serious injury during a previous Cardassian encounter. During this time he married a civilian located on the station.   He served out the remainder of the Dominion War from DS9 before being reassigned to the USS Nightingale  in  2377.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
  Married (Ariane Barr), 3 children
  Current Assignment
  USS Nightingale (2377-present)
  Previous Assignments
  Deep Space 9 (2374-2376)
USS Valiant (2372-2374)
USS Cape Matapan(2367-2372)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
January 6th, 2348
Year of Birth
2348 33 Years old
Barisa Prime
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations