Cmn. Muyo Maiteay (Moo-yo Mat-ee-ay)

Muyo Maiteay is a hull technician serving on the USS Orpheus

Psychological Profile

Muyo is a competent and efficient EVA technician which can be hard to find. Hull tech is one of the most dangerous jobs in Starfleet and she has taken to it for over half a decade without a single incident. Interestingly she seems to prefer the isolation and loneliness that accompanies extended EVA operations and shows discomfort in social situations. Probably because of her background she is incredibly reluctant to ask for help. While this has fostered a self-sufficiency that is uncommon in a typical crewman it does go against Starfleet culture about working as a team and encouraging personnel to reach out for help whenever they feel it is needed.   NOTE: Muyo has a close relationship with Po. Barr. Barr was a mentor for her on DS9 and it was his recommendation that got her assigned to the Nightingale.  

Biographical Overview

Muyo was born on Velos III, a very poor colony on the outskirts of occupied Cardassian space. Her family barely survived and after the death of an older sister due either to Cardassian abuse or malnutrition (reports vary depending on sources), her family fled to Deep Space 9.   Muyo thrived on DS9 becoming a common sight running around on the promenade and getting into trouble with the few other children that were permanently stationed on the station. In 2371 she started working for the Bajoran government as an assistant to the Federation officers that ran the station. In 2373 when the Dominion War erupted she shifted her service into enlistment for Starfleet in order to better coordinate her work efforts. She served on DS9 throughout the war doing exterior hull repairs and EVA operations on the station. In 2377 on personal recommendation from her mentor, Po. Barr she was re-assigned to serve on the USS Nightingale.   ADDENDUM: In 2377 while conducting external repairs on the ship's warp nacelles an accidental capacitor overload caused her to be electrocuted and immediately killed. Her body was unable to be recovered due to close proximity to a crystalline entity. Early the next day the ship encountered some kind of temporal field that seems to have resurrected Muyo. Medical has her coming in for constant evaluations in case there are any after-effects of this apparent resurrection.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

Due to the USS Nightingale being sent for repairs, Muyo was reassigned to fill an empty hull tech role onboard the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2377-2379)
Deep Space 9 (2371-2376)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
July 31st, 2376
Year of Birth
2376 5 Years old
Valos III
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations