Po. Dris Ra-Tasoreii (Dis Rah-Taze-ore-ee)

Dris Ra-Tasoreii is a bridge engineering operator assigned to the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Ra-Tasoreii was very shy and introverted in his youth but his decades of experience in Starfleet have given him a voice and the confidence to use it. Still he seems happier to be given a complex engineering problem to solve or a complicated and precise task to perform rather than socialize with the rest of the crew. He has the capabilities to be an excellent Chief of Engineering but his lack of leadership skills and a complete disinterest in advancing further means that he will likely remain a Petty Officer until he retires. It is common among Efrosians to become very dedicated to a single task and his is focused on engineering repair. In his role on the bridge he is not as likely to get the ability to directly repair the ship anymore but his ability to get a high level view seems to satisfy his intellectual need to solve the problem at hand and he seems content to then delegate the actual repairs to a damage control team.   Always eager to talk shop, Ra-Tasoreii is particularly engaged when a conversation revolves around the technical specifications of Federation starships. Although he never actually built the USS Nightingale he was working at the shipyard where the prototype for the Nova-class was constructed and is full of trivia around the decisions made around specific design choices that went into the Nova-class build.  

Biographical Overview

Ra-Tasoreii was born planetside however he spent most of his childhood growing up on his parents merchant freighter. They wanted him to be a leader and grow up to take command or even grow their business but instead Ra-Tasoreii found himself drawn to the engines. He was taken in as an apprentice by the ship's engineer and instead of attending traditional school he grew up learning how to replace power manifolds or discharge plasma overloads. When it became obvious that he had little desire to carry on the trading business he was sent to relatives who lived on Efros to get a standard education. Although he started very behind compared to his age cohort he was still able to graduate on time and was eligible for continuing opportunities at Starfleet Academy. While attending school he picked up student shifts as an engineer maintaining the various training equipment and facilities and in 2354 he dropped out of the Academy to enlist and focus full time on his engineering duties. After several years of hard work he was re-assigned to work at the Starfleet shipyards assisting in actual construction of the starships. He served in this capacity for over a decade earning a promotion to Petty Officer and becoming a shift lead in starship construction. Eventually he put in a request to transfer to an active starship and was moved to the Columbus which unfortunately became heavily damaged in an encounter with Orion Syndicate pirates and he was transferred to the USS Nightingale.
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
September 8th, 2335
Year of Birth
2335 46 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Starfleet Academy
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2372-present)
Previous Assignments
USS Columbus (2371-2372)
Lunaport (2368-2371)
  Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards (2363-2368)
Tranquility Base (2357-2363)
Starfleet Academy (2353-2357)