Po. Jaylee Hunt

Jaylee Hunt serves as a bridge engineering console operator on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Hunt is extremely competent and has demonstrated skill in resource management during a crisis situation. When the USS Venture was under heavy fire by The Dominion she was directly responsible in prioritizing repairs to ensure that the Venture was able to stay in fighting condition. Although she has not completed Starfleet Academy training she has been earmarked as an officer candidate although she has expressed little desire in being promoted above her enlisted position. Of particular note is the fact that she has served under many captains who have since been promoted to the Admiralty and has strong back channel connections through Starfleet. Back when he was still just a captain Admiral Shepherd wrote her a glowing recommendation and communication logs show that she has maintained these contacts throughout her service in Starfleet.   

Biographical Overview

Hunt was born on Earth to senior Federation administrators. Although her parents were interfacing with Federation and Starfleet at the highest levels they kept Hunt mostly insulated from that experience believing it was important for her to grow up around regular children in the neighborhood and not just the families of planetary ambassadors or Starfleet admirals.    In 2363 she enrolled in Starfleet Academy in the Command track however just two years later in 2365 she unexpectedly unenrolled and left Earth without notifying anyone of her plans. Her parents made several attempts to locate her but with little success. In 2367 she appeared on Sherman's Planet and enlisted in Starfleet, electing to enter as an Engineering technician. Due to her high technical scores she was assigned to USS Prometheus in 2367 where she served with distinction and was then transferred to the USS Odyssey in 2368. In 2370 she was promoted to Petty Officer and re-assigned to the USS Venture where she served on the front lines of the Dominion War under (then) Cpt. Shepherd before being promoted and assigned to the USS Bellerophon in 2374. When the Typhon Expanse expedition was announced she was select among other candidates by Starfleet to replace the lost crew of the Nightingale.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Married (Cpt. Rhys Hawkins)
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2377-present)
Previous Assignments
USS Bellerophon (2374-2376)
USS Venture (2370-2374)
USS Odyssey (2368-2370)
USS Prometheus (2367-2368)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
December 14, 2345
Year of Birth
2345 36 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations