Po. M'elar (Mah-ee-lar)

M'elar is a transporter operator on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

M'elar is hard to talk about alone as she defines so much of herself based on her relationship with her husband, K'Rerr. She thinks he is brilliant and she is lucky to have him but as his work requires a lot of his attention she enlisted in Starfleet to keep busy and avoid becoming too dependent on her husband and his career. She is an excellent transport operator and navigating patterns through difficult operations is what earned her a promotion and the attention of K'Rerr. Besides her career and her partner she can be a bit self-absorbed and often steers conversations towards the cutting edge work her husband is performing at the Institute making it difficult for her to form connections with those around her.  

Biographical Overview

M'elar was born on the fringe colony world New Providence. She was born into one among many farming families looking to colonize the planet and bring it into self-sufficiency. In 2366 the colony was attacked by an unknown attacker and the colony was destroyed. M'elar's family happened to be offworld during this time transferring crop surpluses to a nearby colony. They were rescued by the USS Enterprise-D upon their return and transferred to another colony.   This new colony had a large minority of Klingon settlers as well and M'elar grew up surrounded by Klingon culture during her teenage years. In 2373 she enlisted as a starfleet technician and served with distinction on the USS Pharsalus. In 2374 she received a promotion and a transfer to the USS Nightingale. Later that year she married prominent cyberneticist K'Rerr who she had met while stationed on the Pharsalus. K'Rerr was one of the Federation's top scientists and spent most of his career working at the Daystrom Institute. In 2375 M'elar requested short term leave so they could have a child and by 2376 she was back on duty on the Nightingale.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Married (K'Rerr), 1 child
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2374-present)
Previous Assignments
USS Pharsalus (2373-2374)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
February 20th, 2354
Year of Birth
2354 27 Years old
New Providence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations