Po. Montle Tefo (Mon-tell Tef-oh)

Montle Tefo serves as the team lead for Security Team #3 (aka the New Hopes) on board the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Tefo displays both strong will and curiosity. This has caused her to flout rules and regulations so that she can investigate and understand the things that has caught her attention. While this has made her an excellent deputy constable onboard Epsilon Station her lack of interest in anything academic kept her from pursuing a career as a Starfleet officer. She seems unphased by this development and seems to enjoy the freedom and lack of responsibility being a crewman offers her. Resourceful, persistent, and with a canny intellect if she can develop strong leadership skills she would make for a strong security officer. For now she is very young compared to her peers and has plenty of time to develop those skills.   Frequently accompanies Ens. Collin to the holodeck and has organized several hoverball tournaments for the crew.  

Biographical Overview

Tefo was born on one of the border outposts monitoring the Klingon border. She grew up somewhat isolated from her peers due to the small number of children on the station however she was engrossed in Starfleet from the time she was born. Growing up her mischievous nature brought her into frequent conflict with station security and there are over a dozen marks for minor delinquency. When she grew older she was informally deputized by station security and proved to be exceptionally useful during investigations as her small size and craftiness allowed her to expose smugglers and pirates trying to sneak contraband through the station.   Station security put in a recommendation for her to apply to Starfleet Academy but her application was denied due to testing scores. After spending a couple years recalibrating her life goals she enlisted and was accepted immediately. Her first assignment brought her to USS Nightingale.   ADDENDUM: Has performed above and beyond since the beginning of her assignment and Cpt. Blake marked her for possible promotion to a team lead.
Starfleet Academy Class
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2375-present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
January 4th, 2355
Year of Birth
2355 26 Years old
Epislon Outpost 12
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations