Ens. Necole Collin (Knee-cole Collin)

Necole Collin is a tactical weapons operator onboard the USS Nightingale  

Psychological Profile

Collin is notably well spoken for her age, likely a product of being the daughter of a diplomat. She is comfortable in front of superior officers and demonstrates care and consideration in the language used when filing reports. Her performance indicates a reckless impulsiveness that causes her to rush into situations and flail about instead of taking the time to center herself, consider her options, and act accordingly. This should be tempered with more experience as she gains tactical ability. It is noted that her childhood was almost completely free of any war or violence which makes her presence in the Security field unusual. According to her psychological evaluations she went down the tactical path because she found combat, especially starship combat, to be thrilling and made reference to several holonovels she has enjoyed as inspiration.   Collin and Po. Tefo often use the holodeck at the same time and have organized several hoverball tournaments with the rest of the crew.  

Biographical Overview

Collin's mother was the planet's representative to the Federation's colonial development program. Collin spent quite a bit of her childhood on transports going back and forth between Earth and New Cairo. Despite the remoteness of her home she had significant exposure to Starfleet growing up and it came as no surprise to anyone that she applied and was accepted into Starfleet.   Her academy performance was exceptional for her first year however an EVA training accident during her second year resulted in the death of a close classmate that impacted her ability to focus on her work. Her grades declined sharply and she withdrew from many extracurricular activities. School counselors intervened and she was able to recover by focusing heavily on her schoolwork, taking on addditional credits to graduate early.   She was assigned as a junior tactical officer onboard the USS Nightingale. During the attack by the IRW Raknor she was assigned to the investigation of a potential Romulan spy and while assisting Lt. Thanum she was attacked and disabled by Tellek preventing her from assisting during the capture of the spy.
Starfleet Academy Class
2375, 50th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2376-present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
June 26th, 2352
Year of Birth
2352 29 Years old
New Cairo
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations