Po. Privam Kurdayo

Privam Kurdayo serves as a transporter operator on the USS Orpheus. (Gamma Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Privam has expressed a lot of struggles with the responsibilities placed upon her as a transport technician. It is a very technically challenging role and she expresses that she was promoted too fast. In her mind, her brilliant defeat of the Jem'Hadar was an accident, a measure of luck being in the right place at the right time and reassurances that it isn't just luck has fallen on deaf ears. There is also an undercurrent of survivor's guilt given that her family lost very little in the occupation while several among the crew lost almost everything. The work she has demonstrated fits perfectly into Starfleet standards but she is still struggling to feel like she deserves a place on the ship. Putting that aside, she has developed a very large social network and is good friends with many on the ship. If she can overcome this sense of imposter's syndrome she will likely have a long and sucessful career in Starfleet but based on her current progress she is struggling. We have recommended her several self-affirmation mantras to practice in order to build up this confidence and belief that she has earned her position time and time again on this ship.   NOTE: Privam and Lt. JG Biku have become very good friends. As Biku didn't grow up on Bajor, Privam has taken it upon herself to teach Biku about Bajoran religion and culture to get her back in touch with her roots.  

Biographical Overview

Privam was born on Bajor during the Cardassian Union occupation. Her mother was a very talented musician and became the favorite of the Cardassian provisional governor and her family was able to escape the worst of the occupation. In 2369 when the Cardassians left Bajor she enlisted in Starfleet and became an operations crewman. She was assigned to the USUS Cutty Stark as part of a series of trials to test advanced engines. These trials lasted until 2372 when she was re-assigned to the USS Hobart. While onboard the Hobart the Dominion War erupted and the Hobart found itself ambushed by a Jem'Hadar fighter. The bridge crew killed in the opening salvo and command broke down rapidly on the failing ship. The Jem'Hadar dropped their shields to begin boarding operations but Privam was able to transport over the highly volatile cargo the ship was carrying triggering a detonation within the Jem'Hadar ship and winning the battle. For the rest of the war she recovered and conducted logistics operations from Starbase 129. In 2377 she was selected as a replacement transport technician to serve on the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2369
Martial Status
Married (Privam Nezkul, 1 child)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2375-Present)
Previous Assignments
Starbase 129 (2373-2375)
USS Hobart [NCC-4558] (2372-2373)
USS Cutty Stark [NCC-74216] (2369-2372)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
April 9th, 2347
Year of Birth
2347 34 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations