Po. Timothee Quint (Tim-oh-thee Quint)

Timothee Quint is the leader for Security Team #2 (aka the Bloody Hearts) on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

In his younger years Quint lived his life with reckless abandon. He would knife fight with Klingons, drink with Romulans, and fistfight Nausicaans. For nearly a decade his life was marked by high-adrenaline life-or-death situations. After marrying and having several children he seems to have found something in his life worth protecting and has tempered this attitude with caution and a search for a stable career. He proved to be an expert killer during the Dominion War and is apparently unfazed by having to take another beings life which has been noted with concern by superiors. This behavior seems to stem from his close association with the Klingons and doesn't appear to be an indicator of psychopathic or antisocial behavior patterns. He speaks frequently about how much he loves his wife and due to this relationship with a Klingon it should be factored that he will often return from shore leave with extensive injuries and will need time to recover.  

Biographical Overview

Quint was born on Earth to parents that operated a string of boutique designer replicator shops that would craft very difficult items. His parents pressured him heavily into continuing the family business but he instead enlisted on a merchant freighter that frequently traded between Federation and Klingon markets. He became enamored with Klingon culture joining in rituals and even becoming a sworn blood brother to the Ngummrabh clan. This culminated him him marrying Ejom Ngummrabh cementing his relationship with the Klingons.   During this time he was noted for security incidents all along the border due to minor disruptions like bar fights or smuggling minor contraband. Unfortunately for Quint his captain was caught smuggling weapons to the Duras clan during the Klingon civil war and was arrested. Investigations showed that Quint was not aware of what the captain was hauling and was released. The next day he turned around and enlisted in Starfleet becoming a security officer.   He was first assigned to the USS Ramanujan however after two years he put in a transfer to a station position so that he could spend more time with his growing family. This continued until the outbreak of the Dominion War where he was selected as a special operative for Operation ██████████ where he served with distinction. (NOTE: Cpt. Blake has requested access to these confidential files 3 times and was denied every time). When the Dominion War was settled he was reassigned to the USS Nightingale as the team lead for security team #2.   ADDENDUM: In 2377 a glitch in the holodeck caused a holographic version of his elite Klingon commando wife to escape and try to seize control of the ship. In a span of a few minutes she had taken control of engineering and had dropped life support for the rest of the ship. Lt. Thanum happened to be in an EV suit and was able to take back control and save the ship. The program has since been deleted.
Starfleet Academy Class
Martial Status
Married (Ejom Quint), 3 kids
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2374-present)
Previous Assignments
(2372-2374) ████████████
(2370-2372) Delta Outpost 9
(2368-2370) USS Ramanujan
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
June 22nd, 2334
Year of Birth
2334 47 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations