Lt. Vax Thanum (Vax Thay-num)

Vax Thanum is the Chief Tactical Officer on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Distant and aggressive, a very notably un-Starfleet personality type. Because of his upbringing Thanum has a hard time getting close to others and working as a team player. He is used to doing things on his own and heavily relies on his strength and constitution to bull rush his way through situations. While this would have made him an excellent soldier among the Klingons it has greatly hindered his progress within Starfleet. When he does not just try to attack and smash any problem before him he shows signs of intelligence, empathy, and intellectual curiosity necessary to excel within Starfleet.  

Biographical Overview

Thanum was orphaned at a young age on the mining planet Ajilon Prime. Given his appearance it was assumed that he was some kind of Human-Klingon hybrid but as his parents were unknown and the local mining camp did not have the any scientific or medical expertise this was what was written on his file. Along with his species it is also an assumption about his age and birth date.   Given his physiology he excelled under the heavy labor of the rural outpost and became a top producer in the mines. Thanum came into frequent conflict with the other miners however who were notably xenophobic towards Klingons due to being a border colony that has been frequently targeted by Klingon raiders. At a young age Thanum learned to treat his own injuries and notably during a mining accident saved the lives of several other miners by being able to stay conscious in the presence of toxic gases long enough to drag six disabled miners to safety.   This action drew the attention of Starfleet recruiters who recommended him to apply and he was able to gain enrollment within Starfleet Academy, albeit with the lowest possible passing grade. At the Academy Thanum was a mediocre student. He showed great aptitude in physical situations and the intuition and reflexes to easily succeed in tactical situations however he struggled in almost every other subject area, with the noticeable exception of medicine.   During the Academy he was hijacked by a Ferengi DaiMon and forced to fight in a Ferengi Fight League tournament. While this was considered a great breach of Academy protocols when it was discovered the Ferengi had drugged Thanum and he had little recollection of the events he was given a reprimand but allowed to continue at the Academy. His tactical instructor includes a note that Vax won the tournament while heavily impaired and this should be factored into his graduation eligibility.   Thanum graduated and was assigned to the USS Oberon as a security officer. While serving on the Oberon he was responsible for leading an investigation on Deep Space 9 under the direction of Cpt. Kira Nerys that solved the murder of influential Bajoran businessman, Jaro Essa. He also led the investigation that resulted in the discovery that Tellek was a secret Romulan agent and was instrumental in preventing Tellek's escape.   Thanum was planetside on Seku VI helping defend the settlement from Romulan invaders when the Oberon was destroyed. He was then reassigned to the USS Nightingale as its Chief Security Officer.   In 2378 Vax was killed destroying the entity known as The One Left Behind. In the process he also disabled or destroyed the Voor Technocracy and freed the Typhon Expanse from a malevolent entity that was using the life energy of the sector to fuel the ascenscsion of its own species.
Starfleet Academy Class
2376, 50th percentile
  Martial Status
  Current Assignment
  USS Nightingale (2377-present)
  Previous Assignments
  USS Oberon (2376-2376)
Current Status
Killed In Action
Date of Birth
December 12th, 2352
2352 2378 26 years old
Circumstances of Death
Destroying The One Left Behind
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations