Po. Tomasa Rdita

Tomasa Rdita is an EPS team lead on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Rdita does not talk about her departure from her homeworld and any attempts to pry are met with anger verging on outright hostility. What can be gleaned is that she did not depart willingly, instead being effectively exiled by her own planetary government. She is exceptionally intelligent, especially for an enlisted officer, however she is noted for having issues with authority and defying orders to implement her own solutions. If not for the quality of her work and the effectiveness of her solutions she likely would have been demoted back to Crewman years ago.   

Biographical Overview

Rdita was born on Deneb IV to prominent local scientists. Her parents pioneered several critical warp theories that helped push warp speed thresholds in the 23650s and 2360s. At a young age she seemed very inclined to follow in her parents footsteps and by 2361 she had won a planetary junior science award for conducting experiments with bio-gel conductors. In 2363 she was granted a fellowship offer from the Denebian Science Academy however in 2364 her scholarship was terminated and she departed the University. While there has been no official explanation of this drastic move in 2365 she enlisted in Starfleet and departed the planet immediately. She was assigned to serve on the USS Kenton where she was instrumental in upgrading the EPS systems to generate 117% power efficiency requiring a complete recalibration of the measurement sensors. She continued to serve on the Kenton until 2372 when it was ambushed and destroyed by hostile forces, later identified as an advance Dominion strike force. She was one of a handful of survivors that made it to their escape pods and survived.    She was badly injured during the attack and escape and she was assigned to a roll in Starfleet helping to run training equipment while she recovered. It was here that she ended up getting involved on the next generation EPS systems and in 2377 she was re-assigned to the USS Nightingale as one of the Federation's few experts in the new EPS systems the ship used.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2377-present)
Previous Assignments
Starfleet Academy (2372-2376)
USS Kenton (2365-2372)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
December 22nd, 2347
Year of Birth
2347 34 Years old
Deneb IV
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations