Po. Vaafa Aire

Vaafa Aire is an EPS team lead on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Growing up as a Bajoran slave among Cardassians had a significant impact on her social development. She is somewhat insular and seems frustrated at having to explain her actions to other people, preferring instead to just do the work and let others know the results.    ADDENDUM: Cpt. Blake noted that Vaafa has been performing exceptionally well and was put in to rotate in as the Beta shift bridge operations lead shortly before the IRW Raknor attack. She is intellectually curious and despite starting her education late she has closed that gap and is now positioned as a top EPS technician. Her skill isn't just in her knowledge and understanding but she has a keen utilitarian approach that doesn't rely on what she should have at hand but what is actually present.   

Biographical Overview

Vaafa grew up on Deep Space 9. She was the daughter of Bajoran slaves that were being used to build and maintain the station. When the Bajorans were liberated she remained onboard the station as her parents served the Federation and the provisional Bajoran government. While living on the station was isolating there were a few other children she could interact with and in 2369 the Federation opened up a formal school where she began to get a proper education.   While she ended up graduating and passing the Federation standard tests, she was on the lower end of the academic scale due to the late start her education had and her opportunities for higher education were very limited when she graduated in 2373, compounded by the outbreak of the Dominion War. To make matters worse sometime during the war her own father was secretly replaced by a Changling saboteur. While her father was eventually recovered alive the changling imposter caused severe disruptions to her family. She originally was planning on continuing her family's work on the station but due to animosity over her "fathers" actions she decided to enlist instead. Her training proceeded very well and her knowledge of both Federation and Cardassian power systems got her a posting back on Deep Space 9 and then a swift promotion due to excellent work performed.   As part of this promotion she transferred to USS Nightingale to become trained on the new generation of Federation EPS systems.
Starfleet Academy
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2377-present)
Previous Assignments
Deep Space 9 (2375-2377)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
May 21st, 2355
Year of Birth
2356 25 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations