War Commander Skye Ridley

War Commander Skye Ridley is the current War Commander and Captain of the ISS Warhawk.   In 2377 she was brought on board the War Hawk to serve as a mistress to Chief of Security: Victor Thanum. During the Warhawk's battle with the One That Remains, Ridley sabotaged Victor's oxygen tanks and when he went on a commando raid to try and plant explosives on the Morgi station, his life support failed and his dead body drifted and was absorbed into the One That Remains shortly before it was destroyed.   Ridley became the mistress for the next Chief of Security, Lt. Colt. Colt used her to plant the seeds of betrayal to convince Pierce Kixley to betray the new War Commander, Markus Sel and pave the way for his ascension however Colt underestimated Ridley's ambition and she subverted the loyalt of his security staff and ended up successfully waging a coup.
Now secure in her position as War Commander of the Typhon Expanse invasion fleet, Ridley has issued orders for Markus Sel, Pierce Kixley and Cody Colt to be killed on sight as traitors to the Terran Empire.
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
August 12th, 2350
Year of Birth
2350 31 Years old
Terra Prime
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations