USS Majestic

The USS Majestic was a Miranda-class ship commissioned in 2283. The ship was destroyed in combat with The Dominion in 2374.  

2283-2310: Early Exploration and Diplomacy

Commissioned in 2283, the USS Majestic began its service as an exploration vessel under the command of Captain Harlan. During this period, it charted several new star systems, made peaceful contact with numerous species, and engaged in diplomatic missions along the Federation's expanding borders.  

2310-2345: Klingon Border Patrol

As tensions increased along the Federation-Klingon border, the USS Majestic was assigned to patrol the region under the command of Cpt. Thornton. During this time period it had several combat encounters with Klingon raiders crossing the border.  

2345-2360: Technological Upgrades and Renovations

With the advent of new technologies and advancements, the USS Majestic underwent a series of refits and renovations overseen by Cpt. Avery. These upgrades included improved warp systems, enhanced sensor arrays, and advancements in defensive capabilities. While these new technologies were tested out the ship mostly performed supply and logistic missions within Federation borders.  

2360-2368: Romulan Border Patrol

In response to increased Romulan activity along the Neutral Zone, the USS Majestic was reassigned to patrol the Romulan border under the command of Cpt. Oh. The crew faced numerous challenges, including encounters with Romulan warbirds and border skirmishes. Despite the heightened tensions, the Majestic maintained a reputation for its diplomatic approach, often preventing conflicts through open communication.  

2368-2371: Supply & Logistics

With the discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole in 2369, Starfleet redirected a large number of its ships to preparing for exploration of the Gamma Quadrant shifting increased duties of internal logistics to ships like the Majestic. Under the comman of Cpt. Gideon, the Majestic provided emergency rescue operations and helped construct a series of supply outposts near the Federation-Cardassian border.  

2371-2374 The Dominion War

The Majestic was not originally selected as a frontline ship but as the needs of the war expanded it found itself pressed more and more into combat duty. The Majestic participated in the attack on the Dominion Shipyards around Torros III, destroying them even as the Dominion took control of Deep Space 9.   In 2374 the Majestic participated in Captain Benjamin Sisko's Operation Return in order to recapture Deep Space 9 from Dominion control. During the battle, the Majestic and USS Sitak were ordered to escort the USS Defiant through the Dominion fleet, but the Majestic was destroyed after taking repeated weapons hits. Cpt. Gideon and many of the rest of its crew were killed in action.   @
Creation Date
141.7 meters
237.6 meters
58 meters
150,000 tons
Warp 7
Complement / Crew