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Alden Larthius

Early life Alden comes from House Lharithlyn, an incredibly wealthy and influential family living inside The Pale City, the capital of Palenvale. When she was 60, just a young elf, a rumour was started that her mother was having an affair with the eldest son of the Faireld family. As these rumours grew out of control, Alden was accused of being illegitimate. To save face, House Lharithlyn cast her out and sent her away to live in the slums that surrounded the city.   Here is where she met Gale Thorne, a Forest Gnome who ran the local potions shop and took pity on Alden. Gale happened to be a pretty talented Alchemist, so she took it upon herself to take Alden on as an apprentice and teach her everything she knew. Alden lived and worked in the shop for 30 happy years, before one day she showed up for work to find the shop closed up and Gale nowhere to be seen. Alden suspects that Gale’s work in a revolutionary new invention that would create more heat from fire, resulting in the poor needing less heat resources, has something to do with her disappearance. Alden sees this as the prefect opportunity to travel the world while searching for her beloved mentor. Obsessive over inventions, moody   Adventures in Azkazan Started closed off from everyone, just wanted to get Gale back. Initially annoyed by Oazi, Slowly warmed up to Oazi, particularly when they first find Gale. Enjoyed mr zen's fatherly role. Respected Punk's strength. Felt strongly about Loyalty. Anti royals Affected strongly by Oazi being taken (he made more of an effort than anyone). Mission to assault Ux-mal goes FUBAR, gets Gale and leaves


Alden Larthius

Mentee (Vital)

Towards Gail Thorn



Gail Thorn

Mentor (Vital)

Towards Alden Larthius





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