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Episode 7 - Rorik's Rage

Dealing with rage, and dealing with the Divine

After hijacking the supply cart, the gang continued along the carts intended route. Along the way they found a suspicious turning into a cave that had a bear warning sign to ward of travellers. Undeterred, they entered the cave and emerged into a rock valley on the other side. After creeping forward tentatively, Lyra spotted a pathway leading up the rocks, meanwhile Zeke spotted the main outpost ahead. Lyra stealthily made her way up the pathway, dealing with the 2 guards stationed there. Necrid then took over controlling the cart, while Zeke join Lyra to provide high ground support. Necrid drove the cart into the outpost where they were welcomed inside. It did not take long for suspicions to be aroused however, as the cultists occupying the stronghold quickly went to check the cargo, only to be greeted with Yedahlia's glaive.   As the fighting began, Rorik, draped in unique robes and a rageful half-mask, emerged from his tent at the back of the stronghold and rushed Necrid. With a combined assault from Rorik and the other cultists, Necrid was quickly knocked down, forcing Yedahlia and Arcim to grab him and make a hasty retreat. Putting distance between the enemy and themselves, the gang were able to hold off Rorik and his forces, with Lyra and Zeke picking off cultists from afar. Rorik was eventually slain after being drawn out of his camp, and the remaining cultists surrendered. At this point however, daggers flung from afar killed the two surviving cultists, ensuring they could not speak. The group looked up to see 4 additional masked cult members, looking of similar import to Rorik, and accompanied by a song played by one of the members. They signalled the heroes to be silent and then disappeared.   The gang then looted the stronghold, finding supplies and equipment as well as some letters Rorik and who was assumed to be the other high ranking members of the cult. Zeke and Yedahlia then decided to nail Rorik to the rock wall with a ballista, and then everyone spent the night at the stronghold.   In the morning, everyone agreed to continue their journey to Necrid's destination. They took the supply cart and continued up the mountain until they eventually reached the large gates of God's Peak. Inside they found worship spaces for every primary deity, as well as a museum of small demigods and powerful beings. Yedahlia and Necrid went to commune with their respective gods Lolth and Los, Arcim decided to try and find some guidance from Daynu, God of the Earth, and Lyra and Zeke followed one of the priests to learn about the demigods.   Yedahlia's prayers involved incinerating a banana in the darkness, which led to harrowing visions of her mother abandoned by Frillia, Goddess of Fire, and vivid torment from Lolth in her full arachnid form. Necrid's prayers had him light a ring of candles, strip naked and attempt to commune with Los. After being unable to reach Los, his frustrations led him to throw his mace at the wall, leading to a vision of his surroundings crumbling and an address from Los herself. She showed him visions of Khalash and a book about him, located somewhere in the Glynwood, giving Necrid some definitive purpose in his quest. Arcim meanwhile found the welcoming embrace of Daynu's soil, having his potential growth shown to him as well as what he may lose of his previous life.   Meanwhile, Lyra and Zeke were educated on various demigods and powerful entities, such as Kalzarius, Fenris, the Theng'Kuum and Sseth, patron of the Yuan-ti (which resonated somewhat with Zeke).
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