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Lolth's favourite Tiefling outcast

Troubled beginnings

Born in a small human village located inside House Burath territory in Sojourn, Yedahlia's early life was fraught with scandal and turmoil. Her mother Menaka and father Devrahlia were the source of much controversy in this little town, however they showed nothing but love and affection to Yedahlia. Her parents quickly moved her out of this little village towards the outskirts of House Burath territory to protect her from the distrust and vitriol of the residents. There she grew up on a small farm, surround by small fields and a handful of livestock.   She knew not the name of her father, a secret her mother wished to keep supposedly at the behest of her father. Yedahlia did not understand why, and suspected her mother did not fully understand either. This minor seed of discontent was eventually nutured by her father's increasing bouts of absence, until he disappeared altogether by the time Yedahlia was 5. The memories of her father quickly faded for Yedahlia, but ended up breaking her mother's spirit entirely. She saw her mother reclude herself into a hermit lifestyle, longing for her husband and clinging to her faith in the fire god Frillia (whom Yedahlia had suspected had long abandoned her). This left Yedahlia alone in a land that distrusts her kind, and being solely responsible for her mother's well-being  

Finding the mercenary life

As she grew up, Yedahlia found that the meagre living the farm provided was not enough to sustain her and her mother comfortably. She would train in her spare time with wooden swords, and eventually was able to get some proper training by official House Burath soldiers (reluctant though they were). Eventually when she was of age she attempted to sign up for the House Burath military, showing excellent promise in her fighting proficiency and battle intelligence. In spite of her high tier performance however, it became clear to her in the interview process that she would not be welcome in this primarily human military.   Shunned by her supposed home house, she turned to mercanary work where she really began to hone her skills. Once she found herself among those who did not care if she was a Tiefling, she was able to learn far more and become far deadlier. Her travels eventually took her to one of the neighbouring houses: House Acram. She found the Dwarves that made up a large share of the house much more tolerant, and soon began to befriend many of the Drow there as well. Working with House Acram proved to be more sustainable, with Yedahlia able to send back good money to her mother back home. As her relationships with the Dwarves and Drow improved, she was eventually introduced more to Drow culture, in particular to Lolth, Goddess of the Underdark. Yedahlia immediately resonated with this embodiment of darkness, and made the decision to pledge herself to this deity, atypical a decision as it was. As she embraced the darkness, she began to exude an aura that caused most to leave her alone, a situation which Yedahlia herself found amenable.  

Beyond Sojourn

Although her relationship with house Acram was solid, she still felt an outcast in this land, and soon she felt the call to leave Sojourn altogether. She ensured she had a solid enough network to get money back to her mother, and then took jobs that would get her passage out of Sojourn and towards Niphrodel. Her journey found herself making a small name for herself in Sojourn as someone to be avoided, before she set sail and arrived at the docks of Myreglyne. Seeking to establish this reputation once again, she searched for the best place to resume her mercenary work, a search which ended at the mercenary outpost of Farpoint at the edge of Yenithmyr.




Towards Gerb Timble


Gerb Timble


Towards Yedahlia


Grey/Ochre, Feline pupils
Dark violet, chin length bob
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Garnet Red
Lolth, Goddess of the Underdark
Aligned Organization


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