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Lyra Cainen

A stealthy hoe

A Princess is Born

  Lyra is a high elf princess and heiress to the throne of House Cainen in Sojourn. As a baby, she was 'gifted' with a enchantment/curse (depending on how Lyra feels about it on a particular day) that would change the colour of her hair according to her mood. This came from a jealous aunt of the family, upset at being bumped down another place in the list of heirs to the throne. She wanted to ensure that Lyra's emotions would always be worn on her sleeve, knowing that they would one day betray her words and be her downfall.   From a young age Lyra recieved training in many fields of expertise; from sports and acrobatics, to swordplay and spy craft. As part of the royal family of House Cainen, she was expected to be an example of the excellence that supposedly only high elves could achieve. She was pressured even further to be someone that pulls the entire house to the top of the pecking order in Sojourn, a goal which did not sit well with Lyra.  

The Tragedy of Love

  When she was 60 years of age she fell in love with a young human female, in open defiance of the inherently xenophobic nature of House Cainen. The curse on her hair betrayed her emotions as her aunt predicted, and the affair was revealed to Lyra's parents, who exacted a swift and terrible punishment. The girl Lyra fell in love with was take, tortured and likely killed, while Lyra was locked away in a tower for the next 38 years. Through this time she continued her studies, her spycraft mentor Thabian being particularly sympathetic to her plight and training her beyond the limits of the approved curriculum. During her time locked away she heard the stories of the Blood War raging in the country she called home, the country she was isolated from. This was when she truly decided she would escape and learn as much as she could about the world, bringing back the knowledge to enlighten her people.  


"She's a smart hoe, not a wise hoe." - Unknown
  13 years after the blood war, Lyra made her escape with the knowledge gained from her mentor Thabian. She quickly left Sojourn out of fear of being recognised, and she fled to Niphrodel via boat for a fresh start and a fresh perspective. Between her proficiency for spycraft and general poor judgment of character, Lyra quickly found her way into many criminal crowds, dealing with many shady people (many of whom found her bubbly demeanor off-putting). She refined her skills for sneaking, thieving and stealing, but rarely killing unless absolutely necessary (with the excepting of other high elves). These complex morals informed by her traumatic experiences with her family left her not fitting in well with many criminal groups, so she decided to turn towards marginally more legimate work in the form of mercenary work. She heard of a mercenary outpost called Farpoint in Yenithmyr to the northwest, and set her sights on adventure.
Aligned Organization

The emotional hues of her hair

  Lyra's hair is blonde naturally, with the colour change brought on by her moods starting from the tips. This colour change can progress right to her roots if the emotion is strong enough. She has just about enough discipline to maintain her natural blonde colour through most social interactions, however it does not take much for her emotions to take over and begin manifesting themselve.   These hair colour changes include:   Fear - Black   Calm - Blue   Happiness - Bright Yellow   Love - Deep Pink   Anger - Red   Jealousy - Green   Hatred - Deep Purple   Sadness - Pastel Purple   Awareness/Caution - Orange   Trust - Light Green


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