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Episode 8 - The Glynwood

Enter the fearsome Fey forest

The group decides to be on their way, following their assortment of visions and knowledge gathering. After giving some donations to the priests, they set of on their way back down the mountain. There was a brief detour to explore the fork in the road they didn’t travel down, seeing if there were any obvious clues pertaining to the dead body by the road, however they found nothing of consequence and made their way around the Gloaming Tree and towards the Glynwood.   At the edge of the infamous forest, they set their horse free and catiously entered the Glynwood. Inside they did battle with some apparently sentient grapvines, similar to those Yedahlia found back at Diprovius's shrine. The group escaped relatively unscathed, with Yedahlia taking some berries for the road. Later they came across a lone owlbear grazing in a clearing. Lyra snuck up on the bear to identify it, at which point Yedahlia and Arcim made some rustling and owl noises respectively to emulate an owlbear mating call and move it along. They were successful and peaceful snuck around to get further into the forest.   Later the gang came across an elderly hunter by the name Ygrae, who claimed to be tracking a mysterious treasure-filled mansion across the Glynwood. The mansion turned out to be just up ahead, and Ygrae offered to join forces with the group to tackle and loot the mansion. Upon entering, everyone split into two groups: Yedahlia, Zeke & Ygrae, and Necrid, Lyra and Arcim. Each group began exploring the mansion and quickly found that doorways and walls were moving and shifting out of their eyeline. Discoveries of mysterious damaged magic floor runes were made, as well as general curiosities in the various rooms. Ygrae got separated from Zeke and Yedahlia, and found himself face to face with the second group. The second group however only saw Zeke standing there, who convinced the group to begin opening chests in the room they were in. The chest turned out to be a mimic, and Ygrae turned out to be a changeling, which led to a tense fight. Zeke and Yedahlia also got separated, so Zeke return to assist the others in their fight, while Yedahlia continued to explore. With Zeke's help, Ygrae and the mimc were defeated, while Yedahlia found herself engaged in her own battle with a cabinent mimic. As Lyra and Arcim set off to find a way around to Yedahlia, Zeke and Necrid contined to try and break through the newly appeared walls. Yedahlia eventually received backup, slaying the mimic with help from Lyra and Arcim. This in combination with Necrid charging through the walls awoke the true nature of the mansion, as the upper floors separated from the ground floor, hinging backwards to reveal rows of teeth and a gigantic central tongue. The mansion itself turned out to be a mimic.
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