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The Man Of Many Faces

Birth from the Hive

  Gimick was born from the great mimic hive in Silverline, Palenvale. As a changeling, he spent the earliest moments of his life acclimating and learning about his body and it's abilities. He learnt to alter his body into different forms, and how to sculpt his face to mimic another. With these tools he was designated as an earner and explorer for the hive, like many other changelings before him. He was sent out into the world to blend in with the general populace, and provide for the rest of his family. From his adventures into society, he gained an affinity and fascination for criminality; not an uncommon tendancy for a changeling, but Gimick took things a step further by studying the concept of criminality in all its forms.   Over time Gimick began to lose himself in the fascination of the alien concepts presented to him by non hive-dwelling creatures. Ideas about individuality and selfishness pressed on his mind, while the idea of self preservation did resonate and align with his goals of providing for and protecting his hive family as well. He did periodically check in with the Hive as he deposited his earnings, joining with the hivemind to share his experiences as well. However the Hive felt conflicted about Gimick's developments. On the one hand, his losing of self allowed him to immerse his mind in the roles that he plays, morphing his identity as effectively as he morphs his face. On the other hand, Gimick was at risk of losing the emotional connection to the Hive, an outcome that had happened several times before with rogue mimics and changelings. The Hive opted to allow him to continue, provided he still visit regularly.   Gimick then settled into life as a kind of informant, dealing in information for the rest of the criminal element in Palenvale. His role of gathering information for the Hive meant he naturally gravitated towards the role of information broker. He saw the criminal underbelly of the country as its own ecology like any other, with natural predators, symbiotic relationships and hierarchies. This observation helped him thrive whilst maintain some semblance of grasp on himself.  

Skolls Heist

  Gimick was surprised to recieve the letter from Skoll, and felt uneasy about how much information Skoll knew about his alternate aliases. He chose to accept the job, in part to assess the extent of his compromised identities, however he was wary of working with a new group of mercenaries and assassins. Gimick had worked with various groups over the years, most of which ended with betrayal, disbandment, and sometimes death for those involved. This meant that his inital assessment of the group was intended to locate potential threats and weaknesses, which caused immediate trouble after the group discovered his invisible imp. After this initial hiccup he began to find the experience intriguing, become rather impressed with the quality of criminal that the other members were.   The primary cause of concern for Gimick was Yasha, who had become very suspicious of Gimick's motivations. They both made plans and even straight up attempts on each others lives. The closest Gimick came was deciding whether or not to shorten the fuse of some dynamite Yasha would use to destroy the bridge to Hati's mansion. However in the end the job came first, and they put aside their plans out of a mutual respect for one another. After the job was resolved, Gimick felt the call back to the Hive, and made a swift exit. He found the entire experience with this new group mind expanding, as it was the most amicable parting of ways he had experienced in this line of work. With all of these experiences, his lust for life had grown ever stronger.  

Ray of Hope

  Followed Yasha's call, interested in ray. Betrayed by one of his contacts. Exploring the concept of respect. Exposed as a changeling, Coming to terms with the vulnerabilty of people knowing his secret. Not as invested in knights of sha conflict. Sees them merely as opponents. Branching out to acquire his own fence warehouse, next stage of career, limiting risk of exposure. Thinks ray is a decent guy. interested in meeting these new heroes.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


  Scruff McGruff: Edgy Human Ranger, a lead in the criminal network   Mislead McQueen: A simple guide/ go between/ incompetent exthorter   Ventriloquist Victor: the accompanied Sage/Scholar   William the well-read: Discredited scholar that wants the shiny   Pudding King, Gnome: The disgruntled distraction.   Oscar the Olmsman: Guard mislead; the Ocean's 11 plot.   Fabias Bol'or: Fat Bastard alt   Tengu Tommy: the mislead


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