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Season 1: Skolls Heist

The Hunt For The Sun Blade

The job

  The formative adventure for The Lost, 6 thieves from various backgrounds were contacted by Skoll Sviksbarn to steal The Sun Blade from his sister Countess Hati Sviksbarn. Click, Fangalf Dubenowski, Yasha The Crow, Flip FIngersmith, Esmerelda Salazar and Gimick were all summoned to the region of Galar, where they made plans and performed reconnaissance on the area. They found that Hati was hosting a ball for many powerful individuals and political heavy hitters across Palenvale, which would provide the perfect cover to infiltrate her inner sanctum.  

Getting to work

  The thieves set about finding tools and information, scouring the nearby quarry for blasting materials and the nearby town for intel and allies. They met many residants and outside travellers, some helped and some hindered their efforts. Shadowy types like Bo'Derek Shingle and an older Shady Bojangles gave them good intel on the region, as well as the inner workings of Hati's fortifications. Doof Menagerie, a tailor who was more than he seemed, proved to be a useful ally with custom made armoured dresses and suits, perfect for infiltrating Hati's party. Captain Dusk proved to be a dangerous adversary, capturing Fangalf and attempting to sway him against the group (unsuccessfully). The group also met Ray Pier, a sentient rapier who was trapped in the form of this weapon by Hati. He was eager to help the group defeat her, being wielded by Yasha.  

The Heist

  Infiltrating the party as guests, the thieves managed to get away from the prying eyes of the guards and guests, with help from the likes of Esmerelda's parents, Baronet Dusty Crimps with his trusty butler Javes, and Click's fellow assassin Shaileena. They managed to sneak into the upper areas of Hati's mansion, and bypass the elemental locks guarding a large portion of treasure. At this point, Fangalf got himself locked inside of some cursed demonic armour, from which he would not escape for some time. The group then gained access to the portion of the vault locked in the Ethereal Plane, where Yasha's father Drift was guarding the Sun Blade (seemingly on a lost bet). Drift allowed the group to take the blade to return to Skoll, with Yasha barely restraining himself from killing his father. The group then made a dramatic escape, causing a panic in the party and escaping in the chaos, before blowing up the bridge and then running/flying to safety.  

The Aftermath

  They reconviened at a nearby inn, and gave the Sun Blade to Skoll. Unfortunately, the blade had already been stolen by Gerty Kneecaps, indicated by the note he left behind. Skoll laughed and imagined that Gerty would be using the blade to fulfil the same purpose: killing Haldir Osoroth, revealed to be Skoll and Hati's father. Skoll paid the theives for a job well done and sent them on their way. In a last piece on unexpected betrayal however, Fangalfs tribe arrived at the inn and banished him, doing so based on information that Click fed them (their main mission this whole time). The gang went their separate ways to revel/wallow in their spoils until the next job...


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