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Punk Twadgeling

Draconic Heavy Hitter

Early Life

Punk is a blue Dragonborn Fighter, born and raised in the Dragonborn settlement of Draconheim. At the age of 24 he became a member of the squad The Foo Fighters, tasked with protect Draconheim from external threats. In particular they would clash with the nearby Half Orc tribe of MhurrenLandt. This was a years old feud, mostly perpetrated by the elders of both settlements, but Punk carried out his warrior duties regardless; albiet without much malice for the other Half Orcs he fought.  


4 years into his time with The Foo Fighters, they were betrayed by his commanding general Captain Byeese. The Captain ordered The Foo Fighters to pursue a fleeing enemy group, knowing full well they would face overwhelming reinforcements. During the fight, Punk was knocked out and fell down a ravine into a river below. The last thing he saw was his teammates being overwhelmed by the opposing forces, and assumed they were all dead.   A while later he was pulled further down the river and saved by Kupold Shtent, who mentioned that he had seen a Dragonborn matching Byeese's description heading towards a boat sailing towards the continent of Azkazan. Punk swore revenge on Byeese, and spent some time recuperating before heading towards Azkazan.  

Adventure in Azkazan

On the boat to Azkazan, Punk was reunited with Kupold, and met several other Adventurers: Oazi, Alden Larthius, Sage Bark and Mr Zen. Together they formed an alliance, and embarked on a quest at the behest of the local Monarchy.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Blue Scales

Favoured Tactics

Punk is a Champion Fighter class, favouring heavy armour and two handed weapons. His goal in combat is to leap into the fray and deal as much damage as possible, drawing aggro and soaking up damage to protect his teammates. With his Dragonborn heritage also comes a powerful lightning breath to decimate all foes in front of him. During his time in Azkazan he found a mysterious and powerful obsidian greatsword, which he affectionately named The Negotiator. Using this powerful blade, he hunts for critical hits to overwhelm and crush his opponents. The blade was also blessed by Oazi, which seems to have had an unknown effect...


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