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Deadly spy with many voices

Found by The Collector

Click remembers very little of their early life, only a brief struggle on some unknown city streets as a fledgling before being adopted by The Collector, a ruthless and secretive information broker. Like all Kenku, Click did not have any of their own desires or wants, or even direction in life, so they welcomed the direction that The Collector provided. He taught Click the shadowy tools and secrets of his trade, and soon Click was a proficient member of his organization. Though there were other members in The Collector's group, Click mostly kept to themselves as a lone wolf, sticking with The Collector himself. Over time Click took more and more dangerous jobs, not killing at first, but gradually taught to take life with grim efficiency. Morality was dictated by The Collector's needs, with Click seeing him as almost a father figure (initially likely due to a form of Stockholm syndrome as opposed to recieved affection. However over time The Collector appeared to soften and care more for Click, and eventually other long standing members of the organization.).  

Skoll's Heist

When Click recieved the letter from Skoll requesting their services for a heist, Click immediately went to The Collector to see how to respond. The Collector appeared to already know about the heist, and hinted that he may have even had a hand in orchestrating Click's requested involvement. Click was told to pursue the job, but was also given a secondary assignment by The Collector: To investigate Fangalf Dubenowski on behalf of his tribe, and to discern whether or not he is the scout that he says he is.   Click then ventured to the Galar region to meet with Skoll and the other operatives he had hired (including Fangalf). It was intially difficult for Click to adjust to working with a group for the first time (particularly with people from outside The Collector's circle), however over time they found admiration for the skills of their new compatriots, and did get closer to the group as a result.   Midway through the heist planning, Click was whisked away on a side excursion by another of The Collector's operatives, a female tiefling name Shaileena. Together they cleared out a remote base of The Collector's, and eliminated what turned out to be a Knights of Sha presense there. Click warmed to Shaileena fairly quickly, a result of learning to work with others coupled with the like-mindedness of being a part of The Collector's cohort. Shaileena opted to stay close and aid Click with Skoll's Heist if needed.   Eventually Click and the rest of the crew completed the heist, and in spite of the closeness with the group, Click turned over information about Fangalf's lies obtained from Bo'Derek to Fangalf's tribe. Click did feel pity for Fangalf, a new experience as they had never spent such close proximity to a mark before. They did however finish the job with a sense of respect for Yasha, Esmerelda and Gimick, and ended up leaving with The Collector.  

Ray of Hope

In the 2 months following Skoll's Heist, Click and the rest of The Collector's agents were fighting a losing shadow war with The Knights of Sha. Eventually The Collector was forced to disband and decentralise his operation, meaning Click would be left on their own without a master and without direction. As The Collector was sending Click and Shaileena on their way, giving them a final assassination task to complete, a fellow male high elf operative named Ajax Egast expressed his disdain for The Collector and Click before he left. After and emotional goodbye with The Collector, Click and Shaileena were sent on their way.   Click and Shaileena set about their task as free agents, assassinating a leonin Knight of Sha named Drawk Hale in Thunderreach. After this was completed Click and Shaileena made their emotional goodbyes, with Click asking Shaileena to keep an eye out for a way to get Fangalf out of his cursed armor. At this point Click was contacted by Yasha to help free Ray from his sword form, a new purpose that Click flung themselves into. They felt that they had to either make Yasha their new boss, or going against their Kenku nature and find their own path. During the tiem spent trying to free Ray, Click had a lengthy conversation with Yasha about this topic which resolved with Click choosing to forge their own path, staying with Yasha as a friend rather than a servant.   Click was reunited with Shaileena again, recieving a message from her about unusual Knights of Sha activity towards the Lonely Mountains. They tracked some knights using the Zielechite material Click and the rest of The Lost had discovered on their journey, and found they were using it to create powerful resurrections, leading to a fight with a reanimated Feeble. At this point they discovered that Ajax had betrayed them and joined The Knights of Sha, but unfortunately he escaped before revenge could be taken.   Once Click rejoined The Lost, they continued to help free Ray, relishing in the opportunities to fight the Knight of Sha along the way. Eventually revenge was taken upon Ajax, The Knights of Sha presence in Halemarch was dismantled, and Ray was freed. As The Lost crew was approached by the newly reformed Gilded Goat, Click remained loyal to Yasha and the crew, choosing to work with The Lost as their 'day job' effectively. However, hunting and eradicating The Knights of Sha remains a passion and key point of motivation for them, their rage intensifiying as they become more independant.
Black, Raven-like
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Jet black feathers
Aligned Organization

The Broom of Flying

During the heist of Hati's Manor, Click found a Broom of Flying in a supply closet, and has been smitten with it ever since. Although the Kenku are a bird-like race, they are also flightless, with the desire to fly being their only ambition. It has become a staple of Click's everyday life, often flying on the broom even when not necessary. From a tactical stand point, it has also enable them to rain down devastating volleys of arrows on the unlucky souls that Click names as their favoured foe.


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