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Voice of the Father Gloamson

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gloamson is a tall, broad-shouldered elf who might be mistaken for a half-elf due to his overall size and build. He is athletic with an archer's build and despite his basic lifestyle maintains a healthy body, generally free of illness.

Facial Features

Like most elves, Gloamson has a striking set of facial features, with higher cheek bones, a diamond-shaped face and a longer chin. Thin brows arch over his dark, green eyes while his brow (which has some prominence) leads up to a widows-peak hairline. This in turn becomes a head of fine, sleek blond hair.

Identifying Characteristics

The easiest way to identify Gloamson beyond his clothes and mannerisms would be his uncanny ability to maintain a three-day beard despite being an eladrin.

Physical quirks

Gloamson will perfor the bulk of tasks with his left hand such as eating and shooting, but will forgo this for his right when he puts pen to paper--a hold over from his education in reading and writing when his librarian instructor insisted he do all scripting with his right hand.

Special abilities

Having spent time in the wilds, he has developed an understanding of magics that flow into and out of nature--with some time and meditation he can extend his senses into the natural world and seek out a target he is hunting with uncanny accuracy. Add to this powers granted to him by the Father of All Monsters--both arcane and as a weapon-and he stands as something of an apex predator should the need arise. In the last, he has conceived of methods to enchant his arrows further, gifting them all manner of effects to provide himself with a fluctuating arsenal for all situations--from bolts that erupt with tremendous force to those that blind or bind.

Specialized Equipment

Gloamons is a master archer with a longbow, even without the abilities granted to him by his patron. Tracking, hunting and the general skills associated with surviving for months in the wild are included in his repertoire. Understanding the behaviors of beasts and monsters comes with long periods in the wilderness and with the amount of travel he engages in, he has a grasp on making his way in all manner of terrains beyond his typical forest dwelling.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Squalidness and filth was where he was born but it was not where he would die. Born under the name 'Tirzi', a name given to him not because of its meaning (which in elvish is a variant of the pronoun 'them' or 'it') but because it was the first thing his mother could think of after giving birth to him in the alleyway behind the local green grocers. The exact location of his birth is unknown and to him, unimportant. He did not remain in that village for long, his mother taking him and moving to another town to find work for the now new mouth to feed. She was a seamstress, that much he remembers, and he learned enough of the trade while under her dubious care to be able to see after his clothes when he would grow older.   His time with his mother was brief--at least as far as elves are concerned--and before he was fully matured he found himself without her after she had drunk herself into an early grave. Left alone to try and make his own with what little scraps of skills he could cobble together, he took her tools of the trade and continued his own circuit of towns within Tündérland. Poverty was his reward for these attempts, the lifestyle providing enough for him to neither starve nor see any hope of escape, just one of millions of other lives that were destined to end in the gutters of the world were it not for a single twist of fate on the road.   While traveling, it was his fortune's fall to be accosted and taken prisoner by a band of brigands, a heterogeneous mixture of hobgoblins, humans and bugbears. Beaten for their amusement, robbed for whatever he had worth selling and with the lingering threat of his dignity and life being stripped from him either through death or enslavement, decades of degradation, fear, rejection and pain gave vent as he lay in the muck he had become too accustomed to living within. He would not die here--he would not. Having never been a man of religion he cried out in silence to whatever being would help him--devil, demon, angel or fey he did not care. He did not and would not perish there.   And then Ebiasoth spoke to him. The Father of All Monsters reached out to this mortal man born in filth and on the brink of dying in filth. He asked of him only if he would serve--if he would become one of his innumerable children and stand upright. Would he be willing to become a monster in the flesh of a man? To Gloamson, the answer was simple and with the affirmative response his bond fell away.   He slew every brigand within the hour. As he washed himself of the blood and the dregs of the mire he had lain in only minutes prior he found for the first time the desire to live.   And live he has. The Father has laid at his feet many tasks since that night and every one, whether a success or failure has strengthened him. Gifted with a bow crafted by Ebiasoth himself, Gloamson went into the world to claim territory for the Father, a place where his cult may congregate in what is now called The Duskthorne Conclave.


Gloamson has no preference when it comes to sexual partners, instead limiting his interactions to those with whom he views as so close they are of one body and soul. At present, he has had such an encounter with two people, one male and one female.


Having lived hand to mouth for the majority of his life, education was not at the forefront of his mind, nor that of his mother's. His learning was limited to things necessary to survive and so he remained illiterate until he was a grown man. He taught himself to read common and was given assistance by a librarian for whom he would do occasional work. He still has yet to master elvish in any complete form but can read and write in common at a basic level held by most people.

Mental Trauma

Neophobic, primarily when it comes to technology or advancements in technology. Has a slight distrust of gnomes because of it. In the moments leading up to his first encounter with the Father of All Monsters, Tirzi had been captured, beaten and abused by a group of marauding bandits. The brutality of the moment has stuck with him and he will occasionally experience nightmares.

Intellectual Characteristics

Tirzi's main intellectual characteristics are perseverance, love of truth, fair-mindedness, and autonomy.

Morality & Philosophy

Holding that life is filled with nothing but choices of varying moral outcomes and that morality is a matter of perspective, Gloamson follows only those precepts handed down to him by The Father of All Monsters nothing else. He kills when it is needful and spares life when it is not. Pragmatic and a cynic, he will abstain from owning anything that he does not need; he holds no property beyond what is required to survive or what has been given to him by the Father. Seeing mortal-kind as a whole to be living in a state of willful and soft hypocrisy, he withdraws from it when he can.


  • Gloamson will not wear clothes he did not make for himself and will not wear armor made of metals--pieces such as buckles or clasps are permissible as a necessity but armor such as breastplates and chain mail are not.
  • Gloamson will not wash using water from cities or settlement sources such as wells or pumps. Instead he will collect water from a river, spring or stream, use magic to create his own if needed, or go without bathing until one of these sources is available. He will go out of his way to get water from one of these sources.

Personality Characteristics


At first glance, it would be easy to suppose that Gloamson's sole purpose for doing anything is to serve the Father of All Monsters. Every decision he makes, at the very least the critical and crucial ones, are based on this guidance. Beneath this and hidden so deep that even he may not see it or understand it, he desires a family. Having not had one himself, he is perpetually attempting to draw others closer to him through the Conclave, creating bonds through ritual rather than blood.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Favorite Color: Scarlet-Red
  • Favorite Animal: Horses
  • Favorite Fruit: Strawberries
  • Favorite Spice: Ginger
  • Favorite Gemstone: Angelite
  • Favorite Metal: Gold
  • Favorite Musical Instrument: Drum
  • Favorite Season: Summer
  • Favorite Time of Day: Morning

  • Least Favorite Animal: Antelope
  • Least Favorite Color: Brown
  • Least Favorite Flower: Laurel
  • Least Favorite Fruit: Cranberry
  • Least Favorite Spice: Mustard
  • Least Favorite Gemstone: Diamond
  • Least Favorite Metal: Mercury
  • Least Favorite Musical Instrument: Piccolo
  • Least Favorite Season: Winter

Vices & Personality flaws

Gloamson has a love of novels which he keeps well hidden. He enjoys reading almost any sort of book, despite his struggles with larger words, and so keeps to reading three-volume novels typically reserved for middle-class sensibilities. This has led to a fostered enjoyment (both genuine and ironic) of melodramatic exchanges between lovers, family manners and interactions and the occasional sudden twist.


The majority of his time being spent out of doors, Gloamson's hygiene is handled when and where the need arises. When he needs to be clean, he washes--when he needs to hide his scent beneath mud or blood he does not. His clothing and gear are tended to with the same level of necessity and the only time he makes any attempt to be presentable by the standards of civilization is when he must go into civilization; he keeps soap he has either bartered for or made himself for these moments.


Family Ties

He knows who his parents are or were. He is an only child. He was raised by his mother. His father disappeared to an unknown fate.

Religious Views

To say that Tirzi Gloamson is against the gods may be too bold. Instead it is simpler to say he acknowledges their existence and gives them no more thought than is needful. His life is devoted to Ebiasoth, the Father of Monsters, and will not be swayed from this by any god, demon, angel or man. To him, Ebiasoth gives results--Ebiasoth speaks and is heard. The gods may say they interact with mortals but their ways are fickle and hidden behind a veil of concern for mortalkind. This is a sham to Gloamson, who appreciates the candor of the Father--to him one is either predator or prey. Progeny or Outsider.

Social Aptitude

Like most Tündérlanders, Gloamson has a keen awareness for social graces. While he is straightforward and refuses to heap niceties or use flattery he will not be rude, in especial to strangers. As the leader of what could be considered a cult, he holds a certain sort of charisma which brings out a desire to do as he instructs; as a rule he does not use this to take advantage of others though he is not above intimidation. As with everything else he does, he is hospitable to those who have not proven to be a threat to his territory. This hospitality may come with cool offers of food, drink and shelter but they are extended and kept until a reason to withdraw those protections are presented.


While standing idle, he will take on a broad stance, keeping his shoulders apart and arms out a bit. While seated, he tends to keep his knees together. While talking, Gloamson will lean with his back against a wall.

Hobbies & Pets

Gloamson has a coachwhip snake. The snake has no name but appears to function in a similar manner to a familiar for a witch or wizard.


Gloamson's voice rarely fluctuates in tone, staying at a comfortable even and cool middling that is almost monotone. This, coupled with his deep tenor gives the impression of even-handed aloofness--which is a fair assessment of him in general. On rare occasions he will break this to remark with a quiet touch of sarcasm. On the whole, he remains very point-of-fact in all that he says, whether intimating a threat or spelling out something to someone else. He lacks a discernible accent and compliments are an elusive stranger to his lips. His word choice is limited to more common words known by others and he does not use large or obscure words due to his lack of education. He will never use a word he is not certain on the definition. While he is neither reserved nor chatty, he does keep his conversations short and to the point unless he is relaxed; in those moments he may speak with a touch less reservation.



Follower (Vital)

Towards Gloamson




Leader (Important)

Towards Samorix



Wealth & Financial state

In the most literal sense, money is of no object to Gloamson. Bits of metal prized for some reason he does not care to understand, he carries it on his person as a necessary evil. What he owns he has tracked, trapped and killed for himself or has gathered and crafted on his own. What property he holds is the territory he safeguards for his Conclave; even this is his only because the Father of Monsters has given it to him.
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Master of the Duskthorn
Year of Birth
5679 ATA 161 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Unwanted at birth, he was born in a rubbish heap behind a green grocers.
Dark green, almond-shaped.
Long, sleek, pure blonde hair.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Warm porcelain.
154 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
He can speak common and elvish fluently but can only read common at a level equal to a young adult's skill. He cannot read elvish beyond a handful of words.

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