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Fang of the Father Samorix , Inluh (a.k.a. The Uncrowned Queen)

In the regions of Abervale, there are a number of stories that speak of a chief of one of the many tribes which inhabit the wildernesses of the continent; one of these was governed by a strict, violent matriarchy. Being one of the largest tribes, it commanded powerful respect from the other Caiste tribes—respect and fear. One of its male members departed under a shadow of secrecy and violence after the death of the tribe’s reigning chieftain, along with all of her daughters.   That Caiste was Samorix, the Uncrowned Queen.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Samorix is a broad-built Caiste. He is healthy, standing tall above the others in the Conclave. His white eyes and raven-black hair give him an overall unearthly appearance.

Body Features

As a Caiste,  major portion of Samorix’s body is inhuman; in his case, he has the legs and tail of a goat while his head is crowned with a pair of curved horns. His torso and arms ripple with muscle honed from years of working with metals, clay and weapons.

Facial Features

Samorix’s eyes are a sign of his dedication to Ebiasoth; they are milky white, lacking in irises or pupils. They are not blind, instead allowing him to read anything written, as well as see through darkness—arcane or mundane. These eyes were a gift to him from Ebiasoth.    Other features include his natural-born goat horns, large, pointed ears and a strong chin.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Samorix was born into the Inluh tribe of Caiste which lived in the dense woods of the Middle Continent. The Inluh were a dedicated tribe lead by a matriarchy. This matriarchy was enforced from the top-down, with all males being treated a little better than slaves.   Raised with the intention of being a crafter who would at some point be used as fodder for one of the tribe’s wars, Samorix understood from the beginning that his time was finite. The concept of a legacy did not enter into his equation; his only focus was to survive. While this was at first a primal desire, it turned into a personal one—his tasking with crafting marked him as weak. He decided that he would not accept this degradation, taking it upon himself to strengthen his body and mind.   Training his body, stealing texts to teach himself to read at risk of his own life, he broadened himself to such a degree that he could no longer be called ‘weak’ in any respect. Disguising his education as natural talent for magic, he was brought into the personal guard of the Queen—the highest position any male could hope to achieve.   It was during one skirmish between his own tribe and another that he tasted death for the first time. Had it not been for the intervention of Gloamson who found the Casite’s broken, battered body, he would have died on the field, abandoned as the fodder he’d tried so long to avoid becoming.   In those moments, he wanted nothing more than to bring ruin to the tribe which used him, then left him for carrion. Gloamson was no healer, but where he failed, the Father could and would succeed—for a price. There was no price Samorix would not pay in that moment. Taking the new power along with the chance to live again to bring down his vengeance on those he hated, he stood. In the night when his tribe was celebrating their victory in the battle, he entered their presence—and brought them to ruin.    He now lives to serve Ebiasoth. This includes acting as the second-in-command to Gloamson.

Personality Characteristics


Like many others that commit themselves to the Father of All Monsters, Samorix is driven by the desire to survive above all else. He is loyal to Gloamson and seeks to aid him in all of his endeavors as Ebiasoth’s chosen voice for the Conclave.  He prefers to pursue his own interests, which include delving further into the mysteries of the Father through his own interest in magic; this manifests in experiments where the Father’s aspect is imposed on life—most often these are done without the permission of the target.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Samorix is not a social man, lacking in sympathy for most everyone around him. He has a natural talent for combat, strategy—both martial and the arcane—and a firm grasp on how to instruct others in combat.   He is trained in a number of crafts; these including pottery, metalworking and weaving; this comes from his early life doing the ‘man’s work’ of his tribe.

Likes & Dislikes

While Samorix wears almost nothing but a flat expression, he does have several things that bring him pleasure—he enjoys hunting, discovering new forms of magic and exploring burial mounds.   Samorix dislikes people who complain. He has no tolerance for unproductive people. He dislikes crickets, cicadas and any other insects that make loud noises.

Virtues & Personality perks

Samorix is hard-working, physically powerful and is not lacking for self-confidence. His keen mind allows him to command the Conclave whenever Gloamson is absent, while his unwavering resolve keeps everyone in line. His loyalty to Gloamson is without question, having survived several trials when given the opportunity from outside influences to claim control for himself.

Vices & Personality flaws

Samorix lacks in the ability to sympathize with others, acting as he feels is best. His cold demeanor does not earn him many friends. His unbending loyalty to Gloamson and complete devotion to Ebiasoth paint him as a zealot to the Conclave—while this may or may not be true, appearances are everything.    He is slow to changing his opinion on anyone, resents outsiders that interfere with the Conclave’s business and will make his displeasure known. No benefit of the doubt is given; all new faces that are not members of the Conclave are treated as being beneath his contempt until effort on the others part is shown to prove him wrong.


Religious Views

Savorix is dedicated to the Father of All Monsters. This dedication does not waver, even in the face of the divine. He holds little respect for ‘divine’ casters, seeing their magic as petty displays when compared to Ebiasoth. He hold the gods as ‘respectable’ only in that Ebiasoth respects them—they are children compared to the Father, a fact he will point out to any of the gods’ proselytizers.

Social Aptitude

Samorix is unemotional, usually stony-faced and very difficult to get even the slightest of smiles out of, much less a laugh. His humor is dry but often clever. He is proud, confident, speaking with authority. This extends even towards Gloamson; while the Biir holds his complete loyalty, Samorix is not above lording over his leader when the other must call upon him for a favor. He cares even less for social graces than Gloamson—he speaks his mind without hesitation, even if it would injure others.



Follower (Vital)

Towards Gloamson




Leader (Important)

Towards Samorix



Lawful Neutral
Solid white
Long, sleek, raven black. Worn in a long, thick braid.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Samorix’s skin is pale. His satyr-legs have a covering of tawny-gray hair.
200 cm (6’-7”)
129 kg (286 lbs)
Quotes & Catchphrases
“I never speak in opinions.”
Aligned Organization

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