
Each Sleuth (or family system) has values that look different from the other, which influences the behavior of their members. For example, Kipburn is renown for its hospitality and openness to outsiders, capitalizing on coin and luxuries from Atrary and Ofrary by setting up inns and restaurants. Applemar is more secluded, preferring to keep to themselves, but still offers amenities to travellers. Dedlem, however, is just shy of hostile to nearly all outsiders.

Ursines wear the seal of where they are from on their clothing, or dye it into their fur. They wear it proudly and are only given their seal when it is earned through some sort of social task or initiation.


Ursine are deeply established in Vaeruin, having centuries old "Sleuths" in three places: Kipburn, Applemar, and Dedlem. These Sleuths are closely knit and typically made up of several families living together, though outsiders are often tolerated or even welcomed depending on the location. Kipburn is the most welcoming of outsiders and travellers with Applemar also being friendly, but less frequently visited. Dedlem, however, can be considered hostile in environment and personality.

Founding Date
175 OV
Geopolitical, Clan
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Barter system
Parent Organization