Tia Virginius

Tia Virginius

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lean Muscle

Identifying Characteristics

-She has a sleeve tattoo on her right arm that looks like a celtic serpent With runes lining it's body. The runes represent the the major life events of the story of her father and mother.

Physical quirks

-If she stays still for a certain amount of time, her shadow will twist or twitch independently of her. -Her breathing sounds like ocean waves.

Special abilities

-As an Aasimar, can manifest wings of energy and fly with them. -Can hold breathe for up to 20 min.

Apparel & Accessories

-Two piercings in her left ear and one in her right. -Always carries a special bag containing the crystal artifact of Hela.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to a celestial father and a human mother. She was raised from a young age in the Temple of Leviathan, her father’s creation, to be his ‘first Angel’. She was indoctrinated into his false religion and followed his lessons faithfully. Her status as his daughter and an angel of his church separated her from the pilgrims and other acolytes of the Temple. She was often lonely and would sneak out into the surrounding woods to explore and interact with the animals who she referred to as ‘friends’, even though most of them behaved like regular animals and ran or hid from her. One day while exploring the woods surrounding the temple, she discovered a spring that had appeared, seemingly overnight, and the god Hela reached out and made contact with her. He explained how her father had betrayed Hela and stolen his healing relic; how he was corrupting it against its purpose by raising the dead. She didn’t believe him and grew angry at his accusations, but upon returning to the Temple, she could not forget them and grew uneasy. Leviathan had sensed Hela’s lingering presence nearby and she overheard her father ranting to her mother about the god. He confirmed most of Hela’s story and a broken hearted Tia returned to the spring to apologize to Hela and ask how she could fix what had been done. Hela gave her a special bag that will muffle the artifact’s corrupted aura and hide it from her father. He tells her she must leave her father, purify the artifact and return it to him. She accepts the task and Hela becomes her patron god.

Gender Identity





Spotty homeschooling, she knows how to read and write, and basic math, but most of her education was focused on learning the ‘Precepts of Leviathan’, the general identities and religions of the other gods, and the combat/healing training needed to be his first angel.


Head Angel for the cult of Leviathan?

Accomplishments & Achievements

The first time she used her abilities as an Aasimar and flew. Her father was so proud and held a feast at the temple in her honor.   Stole Hela’s artifact from her father’s temple and escaped.

Failures & Embarrassments

Before accepting Hela as her patron god, she tried for years to draw on Leviathan for her healing spells and blessings, but could not go beyond the most basic of spells and even those were pathetically weak. She was incredibly ashamed to be the daughter of a ‘Healing god’ and yet had no apparent ability for healing.   Embarrassed she didn’t realize that her father was not actually a god and was lying to her.

Mental Trauma

Finding out that her father has been lying to her about everything that has made up her world and worldview since she can remember has severely shaken her. Lies have become a sore subject for her. She is doing everything she can to avoid and run from her father right now, not just because of the artifact, but because she doesn’t want to have to face the reality of what he did. So long as she doesn’t confront him, she can pretend she’s just out on her first adventure and distract herself with having her first real friends.   Growing up isolated from society and any significant attachments, other than her father, has left her starved for attention and the social interaction of a peer group. She forms attachments quickly and sometimes inappropriately as she has just about no ability to read social cues.

Intellectual Characteristics

She is courageous and confident in action, but not as much in thought. She is naïve about life outside the Temple, but rabidly curious about everything.

Morality & Philosophy

She believes in doing ‘the right thing’, but has taken a recent blow to her confidence at being able to tell what the ‘right thing’ is. She is willing to listen to what others have to say, but once she decides where her ‘moral compass’ points, she will stand stalwart in defense of it. She believes in being kind to others and avoiding cruelty, but has no problem with violence in defense.


Lies, Cruelty

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes -Animals (any and all kinds) -Water -Meeting new people -Fruit -Desserts   Dislikes -Cleaning -Cheating -Lying -Cruelty

Vices & Personality flaws

-Tactless and blunt.   -Sticks nose into everyone’s business, out of concern.   -Doesn’t deal with own issues, just buries them under a haze of flowers, silver linings, and ‘fun times’

Personality Quirks

-Can’t say no to requests for help.   -Tends to try to adopt strays, no matter the opinions of the rest of the group.


Family Ties

Father- Leviathan, Fallen celestial of Hela   Mother- Brin, Human woman

Religious Views

Recently converted to the worship of Hela the god of Life and Healing.

Social Aptitude



Has a Gaelic/Norse sounding accent.


Maroth, the Mother of Vaeruin

Guardian (Important)

Towards Tia Virginius



Tia Virginius

Ward (Vital)

Towards Maroth, the Mother of Vaeruin




Someone Familiar

Maroth felt the atmosphere shift when Tia entered Vaeruin. She had been approached in a dream by a beautiful goddess, Hela. This was incredibly alarming seeing as no other Gods or Demons or outside forces had been able to enter Vaeruin before.


She had been told to protect a special being named Tia, even though she knew not what that meant. However, when the day came, the winds changed and Maroth could feel the presence of a celestial in Vaeruin. Since the Battle of Lastwell, celestial had been forbidden to enter Varuin.


This must have been Tia. She could not let Tia be cursed, or worse, found by Olvdir. So, she went to Lastwell and birthed Tia herself.


In the dead of night, she welcomed the newcomer celestial then wisked her away to a hidden place. [/]p]

Nicknames & Petnames

Little celestial

Relationship Reasoning

Maroth sees a bit of her younger self in Tia; naive, driven, strong. She also knows that Tia has been sent here for protection and wishes to fufill this role. Lastly, she fears Tia being an object of affection of Olvdir.

Tia is a light-hearted and naive Aasimar. Raised in the cultist temple of her father, she had little to no contact with those not his worshipers or under his thrall. She now seeks to purify a defiled artifact and restore it to the god Hela.

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
First Angel of Leviathan
A small cottage by the sea.
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Abyssal, Common, Celestial
Ruled Locations