
Saviour of Tirra Mazakine Nowhere (a.k.a. Maz, Lilly, Mazaqueen)

The former succubus, turned Elf High Elf and member of Critical Coin. She was a wild one at the start before she met her husband to be. Her story is one that is told through out Tirra, as she goes from simple bartender to one of the most famous hero's of this era. Her story is of redemption, tragedy and love.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is healthy with a few scars.

Body Features

She had wings, which is one of the only things that she misses about being a succubus.

Identifying Characteristics

Her golden eyes are her most notable feature and she barely ever changed them when she shifted.

Physical quirks

She had a tattoo that looks like a humanoid skull on her back.

Apparel & Accessories

She wears a full black, skin tight one piece than shows skin in certain places as a design and a short length, plane, white jacket. She also wears thigh high boots and a hair clip to keep her hair tied up. She also has bracers of defence to make her less squishy. She still keeps her bracers on till this day just in case she needs to fight.

Specialized Equipment

She's a Wizard who specialises in phonics. Even though she is no longer telepathic she still loves the subject. She would probably have missed this ability if she didn't have something similar in the class.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Maz grew up with her mothering thinking the best of her, she was the favourite so always got what she wanted and never was told no. Being a succubus, she had no emotion and was seen by many as being special because of her powers, so was trained to be an effective hunter and assassin from a young age. She was the first of the new generation of fiends after Lilith left Lucifer. She never got to met her father but didn't known to miss that figure, looking back she realises that, in a way, Graz'zt filled that spot and its most likely the reason behind him being so nice to her then and after the 'fall'. A few years went by before her brother Tarmiel was born and it became a competition to just survive.   Centuries of killing and torturing finally took a toll on the young girl, the last straw was being asked to hunt and kill a child. She saw how families on the material plane were and wanted to live that life. She argude with her mother until a fight broke out, only ending when Graz'zt entered and spilt them up. Maz was shortly banished and branded with the mark of exile, she spent years on the material plane wondering until she met Mordai and then the rest of Critical Coin they when back to the abyss in the quest to kill her mother.   After her mother was killed, Maz became an elf through Graz'zt, she made a deal that both will up hold when it comes to pass. She and Mordai preceded to start a life together by getting married, which was interrupted by other demons, who followed Lilith, summing what appeared to be Tiamat on the cliff edge. A year after, they were blessed by there first child and Tarmiel came back and apologised to them all for the part he had played. He was forgiven and became a good uncle to the children to follow, he kept the family safe and no matter how much he was killed he came back to keep the fight from reaching them unless they wanted it.

Gender Identity

She's gender fluid as she's was a shapesifter but she always connected to her female form more and is now a female elf so she identifies as female.


She's bi.


She was educated in the Abyss and then later read to learn things on the material plane.


She worked at a taven on Zerorun before she met Mordai, she now helps her husband look after the shop and helps teach phonics in the School of Magic.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She and the group save the world from an evil mother.

Failures & Embarrassments

She failed to help Perla when her mother killed her.

Mental Trauma

She grew up in the Abyss and has done a lot to mortals and there souls before she grew a conscience and left. Sometimes she still gets nightmares that she's harming her family and friends. She will always have the mental scar of that time.

Personality Characteristics


To redeem herself from her wrong doings.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves people, she finds them interesting especially how they act and have emotions. Dislikes her family, the Abyss and the Nine Hells.

Vices & Personality flaws

Addicted to sex, specifically the feelings the other person gets.

Personality Quirks

She can't sit still for more than a few minutes, she needs to be doing things all the time.


Contacts & Relations

The party Critical Coin

Family Ties

Her father was killed by her mother. Her mother Lilith, younger brother Tarmiel, husband Mordai and 5 kids.

Religious Views

She believes in the gods and goddesses as one of her friends is a cleric to one and she meet a few when she was a succubus, back in the day. She however doesn't pray to any.

Social Aptitude

She's charismatic and as a big ego which she knows she has. She is also very good at manipulating people but she doesn't use it unless necessary or accidentally.

Hobbies & Pets

She developed a love for painting and drawing.

Wealth & Financial state

She was always wealthy but now she is legally as her husband has a potion shop and she's a teacher.
Chaotic Neural
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
She was a general of Graz'zt before she left.
Date of Birth
29th of Knidep, 40000 EA
Year of Birth
40000 ET -39007 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
She was born with the natural ability of phonics, some say her birth was pre written.
Current Residence
Long, ponytail, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale purple, smooth
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
She knows all languages.


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