
The home of the Tiefling and were they seek refuge from the rest of the world. Was Critical Coins base of operations for most of the campaign. The home of Potions from Nowhere run by Mordai and the new home of the School of Magic run by Alice.


Its a barren landscape as the volcano burned everything a long time ago, the only other thing is a hill to the eastern side of the island that has the only patch of grass on it around the house.


Its a hot and dry climate due to the volcano, although its been dormant for a few hundred years now.

Ecosystem Cycles

The seasons do happen but snow can't settle due to the heat of the volcano, the only thing that changes is the temperature.

Localized Phenomena

The ground has unnatural heat to it, some say its because of the Tiefling curse, others think its because the magma sits in a cavern that fuels the volcano, that is the same size as the island.
Alternative Name(s)
The Volcanic Island
Location under
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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