
The western city ruled by Lord Rydel and Lady Haera Sarstina the Queen parents who are both moon elves. The city is near the cliff edge, so it has a beautiful view of the waves crashing against the island. Oakcastle is also known for its storms and its sea mist because of its near proximity to the ocean.   Temples- Tharion, Zera and Batune.


(65% Elven, 12% Human, 10% Gnome, 7% Half-Elf, 5% Other, 1% Tiefling)


This city has walls that go all around; there is also patrols of guards all the time; there is also towers all over the place to keep creators at bay.


Castle- where the lord and lady live   (lower quality) Tavern- The Tacky Harp-   (high quality) Tavern- The Responsible Panda Tavern-   Alchemist- The Griffon's Alchemy-   General Goods- A Salt & Battery-   Blacksmith- Blue Steel-   Brewery- Fountain Brewery-   Bakery- Piece of Cake-   Butchers- Watsons-   Jewellers-   Taylors- Knit Wit-   Tinkers-   Tanners-   Carpenters-   Scribe-   Magic Shop- The Glowing Elf-   Brothel- The Wet Inn-   Library-   Bathhouse-   Market Place:   Fruit & Veg-   Fish-   Lemonade-   Meat-   Bits & Pieces-   A scribe-   Tools-   Cloaks & Clothes-   Cobbler-   Armour & Weapons-   Leather Worker-   Adventuring Gear-   Doughnuts-   Herbs-   Books-   Wands-   Flowers-   Jewellery & Jewels-   Fortune Teller-   Outside the City:   Stable-   Farms- Little Foot Meadow-

Guilds and Factions

Blackwatch has a small base here.   Bloodwatch has a small base here.
Founding Date
Large city
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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