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Miskunnheimr is the Northern most, and biggest, country that lies within Hjálmarr. The vast majority of Miskunnheimr is endless forests, ancient and filled with many beasts and danger. The other half is cold or frozen, where none of the Miskunn venture unless it is absolutely necesarry. A mountain range divides the nation of Miskunnheimr with the forest Toreithel. The people off Miskunnheimr are tough and their society reflects this as well. They live for war and strength is honored above all.


Within Miskunnheimr exist four social classes. These classes are nowhere near as rigid as they are in some other parts of Valerouros. Mechanisms exist such that a person ca move him- or herself from one class to another.
King / Queen - The King or Queen is the supreme ruler within Miskunnheimr. They create new laws that the other tribes have to follow as well. In times of war they can call upon the armies of the other tribes to fight. Anyone can rise up to become the King or Queen. An election is held whenever one passes to see who the next supreme leader will be. A king or queen is not seen as sacred or special. Instead they are viewed as exceptionally able and imperious. The king or queen is expected to be generous, not only with food and drink but also with clothes and weapons and gifts. They are also expected to maintain his/her own and his/her followers' honor against outsiders. He/she has to lead. They are required to be a strong fighter, daring, crafty and hard, since they fight hand to hand beside their men. They also have to be a good public speaker, cheerful and inspirational, able to inspire and bouy the people.
Jarls - The noble class. Jarls live in fine halls and lead refined lives filled with a myriad of activities. They are distinguished by their wealth, measured in terms of followers, treasure, ships and estates. The eldest son of the jarl is on the fast track to becoming the next jarl. But, by gaining enough fame and wealth, a karl can become a jarl. It is noteworthy that if a jarl did not have a son, his or her daughter could also rise to become the next jarl. Poets also belong to this class, because most of the Miskunn culture is oral rather than written. Poets are the means by which the culture is passed from one generation to the next.
Karls - The middle class. The vast majority of Miskunnheimr belong to the middle class. These people are freemen and land owners. They are the farmers, the smiths and the just plain folks. Families of karls usually live in a cluster of two or more buildings, typically longhouses supplemented by barns and workshops. The highest of the Karls are the goði, or gothi, who is the local chieftain who carry the legal and administrative responsibilities. Additionally they may also be the priest for the Norse religion, and thus are held to have a special relationship with the Gods. Every freeman is required to choose a goði to support. Allegiance to a particular goði is voluntary, so a goði who neglects to look after the people under their authority will find themselves without any supporters and his goðorð up for grabs. The office was called a goðorð and is mostly hereditary. Next come the land-owning farmers in a region. They support the goði and count on the goði for support when needed. Not unexpectedly, some farmers are more prominent than others, because of the family ties with other powerful farmers, or because the size of their farms and their wealth, or because of the number of their supporters. These freemen enjoy freedom of speech and liberty. They have the right to bear arms, to have a voice in public affairs and to enjoy the full benefit of the law. Merchants, although they do not own land, are held in similar regard as land owners. However, many freemen are not land owners. In this clas are farmhands, who work for the farm owner in exchange for room and board. Similarly, servent-woman performed the farm chores required of women. Fishermen are also in this category. Slaves who have been freed are nominally freemen, but their status is low. If a freed slave dies without an heir, the inheritance will revert to the slave's original owner. Once tainted by slavery, no man's or woman's honor could ever be completely clean. However, the children of freed slaves are completely free in Miskunnheimr. One part of being "legal" in Miskunn society is having a residence. Domicile is essential, because in order to bring a charge against a person, one needed to summon him/her to appear at the Þing (assembly) for their region. Miskunn law permits one to change their legal residence only during a single four day period each year, called fardagar (moving days).
Thralls - Below both these classes are the Thralls or, þræll. These include the slaves and bondsmen. If a Miskunn, of any class, could not pay their debts, they were obliged to become a bondsmen and to work for another man until the debt was paid. There is also a law that allows for someone convicted of theft to be handed over as a slave to the victim of the theft. Thralls live a very hard life. Amongst these are also the paupers and vagrants, and although they are still freemen they are classed even below free slaves. In part because they have no residence, and thus can not be charged. The poor are not allowed to marry. Miskunn law states that anyone is free to take the property of a vagrant without penalty and that it is lawful to castrate a vagrant, even if death ensues. Slaves are the bottom of Miskunn society. They hardly have any rights at all. They are chattel. They can inherit nothing, leave nothing. They can't take part in any business transaction. Slaves are put to death when they are no longer capable of working, due to old age, disease or injury. However, they do have a few rights. Slaves are allowed to accumulate property, and with care, can save enough to buy their freedom. Slaves can marry and are permitted to take vengeance for interference with their wives. In general slaves are considered cowards who are easily panicked, unreliable, stupid and foul.

Demography and Population

Miskunnheimr has several regions within it, however it is mostly a wild and rural country. The temperatures are cold to freezing most of the years. In the summers it does become warmer, however the summer period does not last long. Within mountains of the Frozen Wastes and the Borean Tundra the Giants reside who, occassionally, come to blows with the Miskunn.


King - Konungr - The head of state.
Jarl - Earl - Generally a nobleman or person of high standing.
Heisir - Hersir - Lesser nobility and landowners. Probably somewhat equivalent to medieval knights in a feudal system.
Thegn - Thane - Similar to Jarls, a type of nobleman, usually in service to the King.
Karl - Literally means man but could also mean something like servant.
Huskarl - House man, a term often used for soldiers sworn to someone's service (like a nobleman's guard)
Dreng - Drengr - A soldier or warrior, usually someone who is courageous or daring.
Hird - "an informal retinue of personal armed companions" but came to mean the king's guard or household.
Skald - A poet or bard
Thrall - Slave

Dreng ranks:
Vaeringi - One of two infantry, these are the swordsmen.
Aetheling - One of two infantry, these are the spearmen.
Bägskytt - Archers.
Ratsuväki - Cavalry.
Berserker - Champion warriors who fight in a trance like state.
Úlfhéðnar - Ulfsark - Berserkers who wore wolfskins instead of bearskins.

Death Ranks:
When warriors die on the battlefield the Goddess Freyja choses half of the fallen to take with her to her home, the other half are given to Odhinn to join the Halls of Valhalla.
Fólkvangr - Freyja's chosen who go with her to her halls Sessrúmnir.
Einherjar - The chosen of Odhinn, dead warriors taken to Valhalla.


The official religion of Miskunnheimr is the Norse Pantheon. Having said that, because of the diversity of people that live within Miskunnheimr there are more religions and the original people of Miskunnheimr don't particularly care who or what someone believes in. They agree that other Gods exist, however they feel like their Gods are stronger. The Gods in Miskunnheimr expect strength above all else. Whether it is magical strength, strength of character or physical strength it makes no difference. However, the people also believe that this strength comes from within. The Gods will not do anything for you, you are your own weapon and need to create your present to shape the future that you want. You can always ask the Gods for help with these endeavors and hope that the Norns spin fate in your favor, however first and foremost the people have to create their reality.


Almost everyone in Miskunnheimr works with the Norse Pantheon. Their deities are worshipped in one way or another. Most of them pray to several Gods or Goddesses, depending on what their need is at that time. Some do have a patron, a God or Goddess that has taken an extra interest in that individual. However, for such a religious country they do try to keep religion away from politics and every day life. Behind closed doors it is fine to have a patron or patrons to pray to. A trader is allowed to pray to whatever deity they want before their day starts, a sailor can ask the Gods to be merciful before he departs. But in day to day life outside the Gods are seldom mentioned. It is one's own actions that sets things in motion, to use the Gods in everything is seen as blasphemous and a ridicule of their strengths.

Better to die with honor, than to live with shame.

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Economic System
Mixed economy
All over Miskunnheimr you can use coins, such as copper, silver, gold and platinum.
Major Exports
The biggest export of Miskunnheimr are weapons and armor since the Dwarves of Miskunnheimr are still undefeated in their skills.
Controlled Territories

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