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Seljasund is the capital city of the Miskunn kingdom. The city itself has an upper and lower part. It is situated in the middle of a lake. There is only one bridge that goes in and out of the city. Most of the population above ground is Human, Goliath and since recent years an influx of people that have fled from Creil Drua.


Seljasund has the most diverse population in Miskunnheimr. Though most are Dwarves, Humans and Goliaths, the growing darkness from Creil Drua has seen an influx in refugees.
Dwarves 40%
Humans 30%
Goliath 10%
Halfling 10%
Others 10%


Seljasund is where the king resides. He lives in his castle that towers over the entire city. The King creates the laws, but it is up to his jarls to uphold them and punish accordingly. Because of the capital's size, the city has been split up into sections. Each section is ruled by another jarl.

The Laws

As judged by the eyes of the local lawmaster, the jarl, any criminals discovered and/or convicted of crimes are subject to punishments befitting the crime. The accused can plead guilty or not guilty. If the accused pleads not guilty he or she is allowed to make a case for themselves in front of the Jarl and the other attendees, this may include witnesses. Afterwards the attendees decide whether the accused is guilty or not. When the punishment is execution all the attendees must vote guilty, otherwise the accused will go free.
Treason: Execution.
Murder: Execution by choice
Assault with intent to kill: 8 - 15 years incarceration and a fine of 6000 gp.
Assault with intent to injure: 250 days incarceration and/or a fine of 1800 gp.
Kidnapping: 60 days incarceration and/or a fine of 800 gp.
Damage to Crown property: 15–60 days incarceration and a fine of twice the worth of property destroyed.
Damage to private property: 5–15 days incarceration or a fine of twice the worth of property destroyed.
Failure to pay taxes to the Crown: 5–30 days incarceration and a repossession of property equal to twice the amount owed.
Trespassing: 12 days incarceration and/or a fine of 215 gp.
Stealing: 5–10 days incarceration and/or a fine of twice the worth of the stolen goods, or "The Run of Shame".*
*Note: The Run of Shame is a punishment usually given to thieves that have plead guilty. They need to run a small stretch of street, on each side citizens that throw stuff at the criminal. These things may include cabbages, bread, rotten fruit and vegetables. Failure to throw anything will result in a fine of 100 gp.


Taxes are 15% of the annual income that is made either by produce of land or trade. 10% of this goes to the King and the other 5% stays with the Jarl. The Jarl has to also pay 10% of his annual income.


Seljasund has several layers of defence to protect itself from outside siege. It is located in the middle of a lake with only one road going in and out of the city. The entire city is walled, one can only get into the port after the gates are opened. On each side of the lake are 2 massive towers defending the opening that flow into the lake. Furthermore are both Hvalsey and Moorufell also two lines of defences for Seljasund. The city itself is built into sections, which can be collapsed if any intrusion happens. The King's palace is only accessible via one long route. It also has many warriors, ballista's, turrets and much more defending the towers and the walls.

Industry & Trade

Seljasund's prime industry is weaponry and armor. The best weapons and armor come from Miskunnheimr. The underside of Seljasund is a mine were most of the Dwarven population live and work. Their foremost trade are these ores and minerals, weapons and armors.
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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