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by hughpierre

Transmission & Vectors

Cycle of the Elder Moon

The 50 year half of the elder moon cycle is the period of time where fever reports begin. There are two 10 year winding up and down times in the cycle that eases victims into their decades long challenge.   Symptoms are nearly always reported in the half of the elder moon cycle where it is visible in the sky.


Some additional reactions include:

In Children

  • Appearance of rapid aging
    • greater chance for injury and heart failure
    • shiny skin with a blueish tint
    • body hair disappears
    • compromised growth
  • Shrinking Face
    • straining eyes
    • thinning lips
    • pointing nose
    • abnormally small ears
    • weakened teeth
  • Loss of body fat
  • Brittle Bones

In Adults

  • Cataracts
  • Heart Complications
  • Greying
  • Unusual facial features
  • Skin Damage
  • Loss of Muscle Mass
  • Weakened bones
  • Bruising
  • High Pitch Voice
  • Prognosis

    Such an unnatural condition seriously weakens the afflicted both physically and spiritually; eventually leading to sickliness and possibly death.  
    Once, suffer d6 loss of teotl points permanently.
    1. For every full day spent with 0 teotl points, the victim must attempt to roll CON x5 or less on d100 .
      • On a fail, they lose 1 hp.
      • While they are kept at 0 hp, the victim will not heal from wounds or injuries suffered.
      • If they roll between 96-100, then they lose a point of CON permanently.
    2. On a success, they are fine, though still suffer:
      • Disadvantage on all CON ability checks and saving throws
      • Take twice the amount of poison damage as normal
      • Carrying capacity is halved
      • Disadvantage on all STR checks and saving throws
      • Deals only half damage with attacks that use Strength

    Affected Groups

    Females who recovered from the fever after the final setting of the Elder are made weaker than one who did not experience the decades of internal struggle.   What is obvious is the lesser-than-average proficiency in salt spells than are normal; in addition to their physical impairment.

    Cultural Reception

    The effects of the Elder Moon has been known to all in the valley for as long as there have been people.   There was just something inherent in the brine witches that made this possible. The descendants they left behind in the quipaz have a one-in-three chance of suffering this fate and has been wielded to politically discredit their zomalli equivalent.


    Cover image: Delta Groove by Matthew Hasty


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