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Daikitsu (die-KIT-SUE)

Daikitsu is the Goddess of Rice, Crafting & Agriculture, which ensures a steady stream of worshippers. Most commonly, there are shrines and temples dedicated to her in small farming villages scattered around Batun and the Caheath Commonwealth. She is also worshipped as the patron of the kitsune people and has many followers amongst them.


Daikitsu's nature is fluid; her gender, age, and appearance change at her whim. But her favored animal is known to be a small white nine-tailed fox.


She is often described as motherly in her character. She often answers her followers prayers if they are ill or famine stricken and have no other alternative. If she not come herself, she will send a messenger or a vessel in the form of a white fox.

Divine Domains

Nature and Trickery.


Daikitsu's Endless Bowl is said to be a simple and unassuming wooden bowl that is large enough to be held by two hands. If a single grain is placed in this bowl, it will multiply endlessly until the command word is spoken. This item was used by Daikitu herself to end the Great Famine of X102 in Ackstone, Caheath Commonwealth. The whereabouts of this item is unknown.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Represented by a white nine-tailed fox.

Tenets of Faith


  • Ensure the health of crops and vegetation, for your mother cannot clean up after you forever.
  • Perfect a craft or trade for a unlearned man is a poor man.
  • Leave offerings for foxes, for they are my children. Look after them as I look after you.
  • Celebrate the turning of the seasons, for death and birth are two sides of the same coin.


  • Never mistreat your tools, for it is a fool who spites his own hand.
  • Never pass a beggar without giving alms, for luck changes with the winds.
  • Never discriminate against sex workers or the lower class, for all trades are valid, and all men are equal.


  • Bountiful Harvest: A week long (6 day) festival, starting on the 1st of Reapmol. It is celebrated by most of the world, but more so by farmers, towns and villages that rely on agriculture. It is punctuated by farmers of all kinds reaping grand bounties from their crops.   It is especially beloved by kitsune who worship their patron god, Daikitsu, Goddess of Agriculture.
  • Fireball: The 15th of Fireseek marks the beginning of the hottest period of summer, when wildfires begin to occur.   Wildfires are a natural part of many environments in Valloth. They are nature's way of clearing out the dead litter on forest floors. This allows important nutrients to return to the soil, enabling a new healthy beginning for plants and animals. Fires also play an important role in the reproduction of some plants.   The significance given to this period varies among cultures, but most recognize the event in some way with festivals and rituals around that time with themes of rebirth. It is most commonly celebrated by farming settlements that worship Daikitsu, druids and nomadic peoples in tune with nature.
  • Autumn Equinox: Autumn, the season after summer and before winter. Marks the autumnal equinox, which is a moment in the year when the Sun is exactly above the Equator and day and night are of equal length.   The significance given to the autumnal equinox is varied among cultures, but most recognize the event in some way with holidays, festivals, and rituals around that time with themes of gratefulness. Often referred to as Mabon by kitsune that worship Daikitsu.
Celebration of Wonders: A day celebrating the last week of true winter, and giving thanks for making it through the long and dark of the season. Particularly loved by farmers and kitsune, for this is when Daikitsu prepares to make her journey to bless their crops come spring.


Divine Classification
Minor God
Chaotic Good

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