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Batun (bah-TOON)

Written by ajamie

The Kingdom of Batun is governed by a royal family and council of eladrin that serve as representatives of the Seelie Court of the Feywilds. Occupants are primarily lawful aligned fey, and related races and creatures with deep magical connections (kitsune of various kinds, Wildwalkers, Faerie Kobolds, harengon, elves, firbolgs, etc). The land is mostly enchanted forests, and the weather is ever changing to match the moods of the royal family, and their nobles. Land is a hotbed of magical activity. Currently at war with the Kingdom of Rizex.


The word 'Batun' is old Sylvan for 'Bountiful'. The term was coined by Titania herself when she first set foot onto the Material Plane.


The continent includes a mix of boreal and temperate forests, with the entire landscape being a magical wonder. Many describe the region as a slice of the Feywilds on Valloth due to the abundance of fey magic. Besides the stunning coastline to the northwest, Batun's most notable feature is it's great lake, Onoview Waters. This lake is located right at the capital city of the same name, and it is said to be a direct gateway to the Feywilds.   The continent included the following geographic and political regions:


Undoubtedly, the gem of the country lies at its center, the capital of the same name. Here is where the royal family resides, and it is by their magic that the weather of Batun remains stable, not falling prey to the Climate Effects caused by the dragons of the Frost Territories to the west. Notable locations include:
  • Onoview lake:
  • Batun Capital:


  • Great One's Forest:


Alternative Name(s)
Faerie on Valloth
Inhabiting Species

Kingdom of Batun

by ajamie

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