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Header Image‌ by Artigas

Written by ajamie

"Anyone ever tell you, you're a stubborn bastard?" Though my words were sharp, my smile was fond as I looked upon my dwarven companion. Aden Bitterbringer was a prime example of the Shatterback Mountain dwarves. Wider than he was tall, and built sturdy like an ox. He let out a deep, booming laugh as he swung his arm around my waist.   Anyone else who tried that move would be living life with one less arm.   "Aye! E'rey day I been with ye!" Aden responded, a toothy grin underneath his heavy beard.
— Diary of Asye, the Sorcerer.
  Hardy and proud, dwarves are known for their craftsmanship. They are short and stocky people, with a keen eye for detail and a talent for engineering and metallurgy.   Dwarves have a deep appreciation for their ancestors and tradition. As such, their communities are often built around great ancestral halls, mines, or forges. They are renowned for their skill in creating fine weapons, armor, and jewelry, and their reputation as master craftsmen has spread far and wide.   Dwarves are also fiercely loyal to their friends and allies. Their stubbornness and determination make them formidable opponents in battle, and close friends to humans. They are deeply committed to honor, tradition, and clan loyalty. An insult to a dwarf's kin or their heritage is a personal one, and is often met with swift retribution.   Whether delving deep into the earth in search of precious minerals, forging powerful magical artifacts, or defending their homes from the threats of the world, dwarves are a vital part of the rich tapestry of Valloth.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Dwarves are both a magically and sexually reproducing race. Though they much prefer magic to the latter.   When a family of dwarves wish to have a child, they will first go to their preferred mine, but most go to the ancestral mine of their clan. Once there, the family will select an ore or a stone, the type of which is agreed upon by the family beforehand. After they select a suitably sized stone, the family will, with caution and patience, carve out their babe from the rock.    This is a painstakingly slow process, taking anywhere from 2 years, to 30 years and beyond. It depends on when the carving is finished, and that depends on the family. Defining factors seem to be the care put into the carving, and how strong the connection between family members is.    The exact method of carving is also unknown, and is a well guarded secret among the dwarves.   Nevertheless, once the carving is complete, all participating dwarves must encircle the carving, holding hands and stomping and humming to a tune only the family can hear: A song passed down from caregiver to caregiver within the family's particular clan. Where it is placed matters little, but the general preference is in the family's home. Once the song is complete, the statue of the babe comes to life, crying and red faced and healthy.   The family is can a pair or trio of lovers, but more often than not, it is a collection of extended family: brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. Or even a collection of close friends. 

Growth Rate & Stages

Dwarves grow at a glacial pace. Their life cycle includes:
  • Infancy - Birth to 10 years
  • Toddler - 10 years to 20 years
  • Childhood - 20 to 40 years
  • Adolescence - 40 to 50
  • Adulthood - 50 years and onward.

Ecology and Habitats

Dwarves will generally settle near mountain or a hill of some kind. As such, the majority can be found within the mountainous region of the Caheath Commonwealth, or the hilly terrain of Weodun. Some will even tolerate the frigid temperatures of the Frost Territories, settling in the harsh mountains there.   But there are some members of the race that have almost completely abandoned life on the surface, and fully dedicate themselves to the mines below. These dwarves reside in Rizex's Underdark.

Additional Information

Social Structure

For a dwarf, their clan is their life. They cherish their clan identities and affiliations, recognize related dwarves, and invoke their ancestors’ names in oaths and curses. The clan itself is made up of extended family, and in some cases multiple extended families where there is a union between clans via marriage.   For dwarves, marriage is a deathly serious affair. 2 or more dwarves will enter marriage for various reasons. In the case of love, the individuals will leave their clans and start a clan of their own. But when it comes to unions of power, politics or continence, the clan or clans with the lower prestige will be absorbed by the one of  higher prestige. What denotes prestige in dwarven culture is tied to acts that contribute significantly to the dwarven kingdom in general. For example, one clan might consists of master forgers of a particularly rare metal, while another might consist of dragonslayers. The clans will hash out between themselves which is the more prestigious clan.   Alternatively, instead of absorption of a clan, all clans involved will combine clans if no agreement can be reached. For example, Fireforge and Battlehammer might combine to become Firehammer. Where no suitable combination can be found, a brand new name will be created.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

A dwarf’s name is granted by a clan elder, in accordance with tradition. Every proper dwarven name has been used and reused down through the generations. A dwarf’s name belongs to the clan, not to the individual. A dwarf who misuses or brings shame to a clan name is stripped of the name and forbidden by law to use any dwarven name in its place.   Male Names: Adrik, Alberich, Baern, Barendd, Brottor, Bruenor, Dain, Darrak, Delg, Eberk, Einkil, Fargrim, Flint, Gardain, Harbek, Kildrak, Morgran, Orsik, Oskar, Rangrim, Rurik, Taklinn, Thoradin, Thorin, Tordek, Traubon, Travok, Ulfgar, Veit, Vondal   Female Names: Amber, Artin, Audhild, Bardryn, Dagnal, Diesa, Eldeth, Falkrunn, Finellen, Gunnloda, Gurdis, Helja, Hlin, Kathra, Kristryd, Ilde, Liftrasa, Mardred, Riswynn, Sannl, Torbera, Torgga, Vistra   Clan Names: Balderk, Battlehammer, Brawnanvil, Dankil, Fireforge, Frostbeard, Gorunn, Holderhek, Ironfist, Loderr, Lutgehr, Rumnaheim, Strakeln, Torunn, Ungart


Dwarves mature at a glacial rate. They're considered young until they reach the age of 50. On average, they live about 350 years.
Average Height
4-5 ft
Character Creation Details    
Appearance Note: For a dwarf, their hair is worth 1000 times its weight in platinum and gold combined. Particularly the hair of their beard. A long and well-kept beard not only signifies wealth, status and general health, but it is also a sign of beauty.

Both men, women, and everyone in-between have beards. A dwarf with no beard and short hair is a dwarf who is either in mourning, or a dwarf who has rejected their clan.

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Cover image: Dwarven Mountaineer by Artigas


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